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与妈妈共度的又一个夜晚<br>我坐在那里,简直不敢相信刚刚发生了什么。安东也站在那里,靠在水槽边,甚至都没有把他的鸡巴拿开。妈妈则坐在那里,若无其事地让我给她倒香槟。我颤抖着双手答应了。- 放松点,孩子们,"她笑着说。- 至少每个人都意识到,任何女人或女孩都做好了出轨的准备。随时准备做妓女。可以说,这就是一个鲜明的例子。- 是的,塔尼娅,我们都明白了。- 安东愧疚地看着我笑了笑,妈妈又抽了一口性感的香烟,吐出烟雾,幸福地靠在沙发背上。- 莱什,打开电视。现在有什么节目?- 好的,妈妈,当然。- 我恍恍惚惚地说。在确定这一切都是虚幻的,是某种 "SOS "之后,我说我要上床睡觉了,然后就拄着棉花腿,挺着鸡巴回房间了。- 也别熬太久。- 我撇撇嘴。- 好的。- 我听到了妈妈的半声呻吟。显然,安东还不够,他已经在我妈妈的脖子上亲吻了。怎么会这样?妈妈当时在想什么?我无从猜测。哦,好吧。早晨就是早晨。当我上床睡觉时,我又听到厨房里传来沙发吱吱作响的声音。我听不见别的声音--电视机的声音很大。我睡了很久,被爱人的吻惊醒。- 醒醒,瞌睡虫。现在是下午三点。哇,你做了个好梦。- 奥克萨娜看着我硬起来的鸡巴 - 嗯 我希望现在就能尝到它的味道 - 我的小穴发出咕噜声。- 但我们已经迟到了,"她无奈地叹了口气。- 迟到什么?- 我开始穿衣服。- 你父母买到了N剧场的票。我太高兴了。- 奥克萨娜脸上洋溢着幸福的笑容。这应该是场好戏。- 他们买到六个人的票了吗?- 不,你爸爸不去。他被紧急召往恩斯克 所以你和安东只能和我们一起了 顺便问一句 你昨晚待了很久吗 - 没有 一个小时吧 我开始想起昨晚的一些事情 是真的还是做梦 但只要一想到那是真的 我就欲火焚身 时间会改变一切 我记得小时候 我对妈妈的任何行为都能泰然处之 为她辩护 我嫉妒她 现在我想象她被她侄女的男朋友干的样子 没错 Yeah. 公寓里一片骚动 尽管离演出还有三个小时 所有的女人都跑来跑去,大吵大闹 阿廖娜回家去拿衣服。奥克萨娜决定穿妈妈的黑色紧身连衣裙,上衣是透明的。妈妈也决定穿一件黑色的,领口在大腿上,乳沟很深。打包工作一直持续到最后。女士们在打扮的时候,我和安东在看电视。我注意到他显得紧张和困惑,不敢与我对视。这不是梦!我决定不问他任何事情,就让这种情况过去吧。我们终于到了剧院。我们把外衣放进衣帽间,我立刻注意到男人们向我母亲投来羡慕的目光。他们大多是 35 至 40 岁的男人。年长者只是灼灼地看着奥克萨娜。今晚一定会很有趣。我们很快找到了自己的座位。原来,奥克萨娜坐在我的左边。我妈妈坐在我的右边。第二声铃声响起,一个大约 37 岁的大个子男人坐在了我妈妈的旁边。演出开始了,老实说,演出完全没有达到预期效果,相当无聊。但我妈妈没有让我觉得无聊。她坐下来,把右腿收了起来,丝袜的花边甜美地向我招手。妈妈的邻居只是盯着她的胸部和腿看。他的女伴正兴致勃勃地观看表演,妈妈把裙子越撩越高。再高一点,就能看到她的黑色蕾丝丁字裤了。不可能不注意到男人的勃起。他在椅子上滑动着,但仍然不敢采取任何具体行动。妈妈继续和他玩着,捂着她美丽而又适度丰满的大腿。她是多么喜欢做爱啊!她多么喜欢意识到自己是被需要的。幸运的是,男伴的铃声响起,所有人都散开了。由于人太多,我很快就看不到我的同伴了。说实话,这样最好。我想好好反思一下发生的一切,了解母亲到底发生了什么事。是什么让她变成了一个疯狂好色的女人。离开厕所后,我直奔橱柜,在奥克萨娜敞开的背后看到了整个公司。<br>那个大个子和他的女朋友也站在那里。他们已经在喝着什么,高兴地欢呼着。当我走近时,我认识了他们。原来,他们是谢尔盖和尤利娅夫妇。他们在这座城市里做着某种生意,总的来说,他们给人留下了非常愉快的印象。亲切开朗的笑容,优雅的衣着。除了谢尔盖在看我妈妈时偶尔闪烁的眼神,一切都显得整洁而有品位。中场休息的 15 分钟里,每个人都喝了两杯白兰地。但我还能说什么呢,白兰地的味道非常好。- 可能是我一个人的原因吧 - 尤利娅说。第二次电话是什么时候?- 实际上,我也不太喜欢--谢尔盖支持我。- 我也不喜欢这样,--奥克萨娜说。奥克萨娜说:"我也不喜欢这个节目。"妈妈已经火冒三丈,胸口剧烈起伏,眼睛里燃烧着熊熊烈火,但她用平静的声音说,这个节目真的很无聊。最后,大家都站在了我这边。为了不错过这个美好欢乐的夜晚,我提议大家一起去餐厅吃饭,大家异口同声地同意了。趁大家拿外套的时候,我叫了一辆出租车。- 谢尔盖,你和我们一起去吗?- 我转向我们的新朋友。- 不,我们会看完电影的,不是吗,亲爱的?- 尤利娅替他回答。谢尔盖耸了耸肩,和尤利娅一起走进了大厅。我刚穿上外套 谢尔盖就跑了过来 - 我开车去 你在哪儿?- 他脱口而出。我给他打了个电话,说有一家不错的餐厅,虽然价格不菲,但菜肴一流,还有现场音乐和跳舞的地方。- 当然,开车去吧。我们会等你的。尤其是妈妈。- 我对他眨了眨眼睛,然后跑上出租车,大家都在等我。到了餐厅,我们找到了一张很好的桌子,离舞台不算太远,但也不算太近。结果妈妈坐在边上,然后是我、奥克萨娜、安东和阿廖娜。妈妈裙子右边的领口正好被餐厅里的所有人一览无余。我对今晚的结局有了大致的了解。从那时起,就像在家里一样,大家像往常一样坐下来,欢声笑语,举杯畅饮。餐厅里的人越来越多。我注意到,几乎所有的男人都在看着我们这桌。当我看向妈妈时,我惊呆了--她的裙子拉得很高,连丝袜的吊袜带都能看见,而她却浑然不觉,还在热情地交谈着。大家都喝了很多酒,浑身发热,舞会开始了。实际上,这非常有趣--这里愉快而令人兴奋的气氛吸引着你。征得奥克萨娜的同意,我邀请了几个女孩跳舞。是的,她并没有失落,和安东跳过舞后,现在她又被一个戴眼镜的男人挤来挤去。妈妈也没有袖手旁观。她跳得很好,还和一个老男人跳了一段火辣的探戈。派对进行得如火如荼。新人们来到我们桌前,互相认识,一起喝酒,我们这桌就像是整个派对的中心。在跳慢舞的时候,我注意到我妈妈旁边坐着一个 25 岁左右的长头发男人,正在她耳边说着什么。妈妈容光焕发。那个男人不慌不忙地把手放在我妈妈的腿上,开始沿着她的大腿内侧往上爬,一直爬到她丝袜的蕾丝边。妈妈的呼吸越来越急促,越来越深。点燃一支香烟,.... 第 2 页,共 3 页,吸了几口,对那个男人说了几句话后,拿着钱包去了厕所。大约 40 秒钟后,那个男人跟了上去。我继续跳舞,但一想到男厕所里发生的事情,我就跳不下去了。难以置信的画面开始在我脑海中形成。我的下腹部甜蜜地牵动着。舞会结束了,我再也无法忍受,于是去了洗手间。由于餐厅相当不错,厕所不是隔间形式的,而是实际上单独的房间。我进去的时候什么也没听见。我走到水池边,打开水龙头。洗了把脸,呼了口气,我就朝出口走去。但当我听到其中一个隔间里有敲门声时,我停下了脚步。我非常安静地走到门边听了听,听到了类似咂嘴的声音。然后是清晰的女性呻吟声 "嗯......嗯" "和男性的低语。- 哦,你吸得真好。对,再插深一点。- 好大啊 我想感受他进入我身体的感觉。- 妈妈激情低语。然后是一些拨弄声,接着又是妈妈的口交声。我的眼前一片模糊。怎么会这样?到底发生了什么?我徘徊在出口处。- 现在不行,亲爱的。- 我还来得及听到这句话和开门的声音,以及妈妈高跟鞋的踩踏声。我在桌边坐下,喝了两杯纯威士忌。一个女孩坐到我身边,开始热情地跟我说着什么,并把手放在我的手上。<br>我根本没听她的,开始用眼睛寻找奥克萨娜。- 妈的 婊子... - 当我在靠墙的黑暗角落里看到她时,我说。她和那个面容憔悴的男人挤在一起。他一只手搂着她的腰,另一只手摸着她的屁股,拉起她的裙子。她的面纱瞬间从她的眼中滑落。在我的脑海里,有什么东西 "嗒嗒 "作响,"桨声 "和 "愤怒"。狂怒 在那段时间里,我记得的最后一件事就是他眼镜上的玻璃碎片刺进了我的拳头。然后是喊叫。吵闹声。在街上与警卫和警察解释。我不得不给眼镜男钱而不是口供。把受害者送上出租车后,我回到了餐馆。在远处,我看到了我们的餐桌。一切都像什么都没发生过一样。每个人都在热情地谈笑着。我们桌旁还坐着一个非常年轻的小伙子。大约 18、19 岁。他就坐在我妈妈在厕所里给他口交的那个长头发男人旁边。他妈的,我心想 "在厕所里被吸",我大声说。长发男旁边坐着我妈妈,她的另一边坐着另一个人。看不出距离。我呼出一口气,朝他们走去。走近一看,我认出了谢尔盖。就是剧院里的那个谢尔盖。他的尤利娅不在桌边。他正在给妈妈倒马提尼酒 那个年轻人坐在那里 盯着他妈妈的胸部和腿看 当我走近时,大家都停止了交谈 为了避免事态恶化,我赶紧向大家道歉,并开了几个关于那个眼镜男的玩笑,这才缓解了空气中弥漫的紧张气氛。大家都笑了,晚会继续进行。奥克萨娜尽量不与我对视。显然,她感到内疚。我一点也不生气,立刻就把那个长胡子男人的事抛到了脑后。我必须见见这些人。长头发的叫伊戈尔,年轻的叫热尼亚。他们是兄弟,来我们镇上打工,和建筑有关。他们都是普通人,但有点厚脸皮,不过总的来说,他们并不是邪恶好斗的混蛋。妈妈和伊戈尔偶尔交换一下眼神,空气中弥漫着他们之间的性欲。也许不仅仅是伊戈尔之间。谢尔盖不时对妈妈耳语几句,用舌头轻抚她的耳朵。妈妈一定很喜欢她对周围人产生的影响。那天晚上,她被操的可能性与她让鸡巴勃起的次数成正比!现在大约是凌晨三点钟。每个人都喝了很多酒。阿廖娜坦率地睡着了。奥克萨娜眨眼的速度也比平时慢了很多。谈话也不那么活跃了。我跟伊戈尔和他弟弟聊了聊。他们都不是坏人,我们有很多共同的兴趣爱好。妈妈似乎很喜欢谢尔盖。他们聊得很投机,还出去跳了几次舞。与其说是经典的伦巴,不如说是艳舞。他们紧紧地贴在一起。妈妈不时把丝袜和内裤擦得闪闪发亮,这让餐厅里的所有男性都陶醉不已。晚会顺理成章地结束了。我说该收拾东西了。大家都点了点头。妈妈也表示支持,但她说:"我们去我们家吧?我们有很棒的古巴朗姆酒!我们再喝一杯!- 我想所有的人都异口同声地同意了妈妈的建议。我们叫了一辆出租车。结果,我、安东、阿廖娜和奥克萨娜上了一辆车,妈妈、谢尔盖、热尼亚和伊戈尔上了另一辆车。妈妈搂着她的两个男朋友走着。热尼亚走在后面。我们开车去了我们的住处 就在昨晚安东和妈妈口交前的厨房里。我甚至都不想去想另一辆出租车里发生了什么。回到家,我失望地发现爸爸还是不在 妈妈得知爸爸还没来,而且过两天才来,简直高兴坏了。女孩们很快摆好了桌子,妈妈打开了古巴朗姆酒,晚会又重新开始了。欢笑声和碰杯声震撼了整个公寓。大约一个小时后,阿廖娜和奥克萨娜再也坐不住了,上床睡觉去了。厨房里只有我、妈妈、谢尔盖、安东、伊戈尔和热尼亚。也就是说,五个男人和一个慵懒的女人,她想要所有这些男人。她给其中一个口交 和另一个又干又吮 其他的也差不多 他们都比她年轻 甚至谢尔盖 像昨晚一样,谈话开始进入敏感而刺激的话题 妈妈就像坐在餐厅里一样,坐在谢尔盖和伊戈尔中间。尽管他们还在说话,但就像暗示一样,他们一起把手放在了她的臀部上。- 好了,孩子们,别说了。我知道五个男人中只有我一个,但我是个已婚女人,我可不想被人摸。- 这听起来完全出乎我的意料之外。- 塔吉娅娜,你不知道我们有多嫉妒你丈夫。毕竟,他可以经常欣赏你的美貌。- 谢尔盖说。- 不只是欣赏。- 伊戈尔笑着补充道。<br>妈妈什么也没说,只是换了双腿,把一条腿放在另一条腿上。- 但不要怀疑我爱我的丈夫。来吧,我给你看我们的婚礼录像,你就会明白了。- 我们一起走进礼堂 我父母把录像带数字化,我母亲把光盘放进播放器,然后坐在安东和热尼亚旁边的沙发上。事实上,录像带上并没有什么特别之处。这只是一场普通的婚礼,有祝酒词、苦味酒和其他东西。妈妈穿着一件普通的白色礼服。但是,天哪,她太美了!每个人看到她25年前的样子都惊叹不已 Everyone just marvelled when they saw what she looked  [ Ficken] like 25 years ago. - 嗯 我给你们看点东西。- 妈妈从男孩们的腿上站起来,走进卧室。- 我这辈子从没见过这么性感的女人。- 妈妈出来时,谢尔盖脱口而出。- 是啊!真不简单。- [ Kiss] 伊戈尔吞了吞口水。- 我们去抽根烟吧 - 所有的人都去了阳台 我去了厕所 我在卧室停下脚步,透过门缝往里看,只见妈妈正在床上穿带腰带的白色丝袜、白色丁字裤和婚纱。我意识到这是怎么回事。我们又都坐在休息室里观看婚礼。视频刚到宴会和祝酒的部分。但是,当我们听到高跟鞋的 "嗒嗒 "声时,所有人都愣住了。妈妈穿着婚纱走了进来。"你们觉得怎么样?有点小,但还不错" 妈妈的乳房无耻地从紧身胸衣中露出来,几乎遮不住乳头。男人们只是喘着粗气,开始啧啧称赞。妈妈非常喜欢这一切。 你们喜欢新娘吗,孩子们?- 妈妈笑着说。- 好了,我要去换衣服了。- 她叹了口气。- 不,谭雅。不,塔尼娅。- 谢尔盖走到她身后,从后面抱住她低声问道:"新婚初夜怎么办?" 妈妈笑着挣脱了他的熊抱。- 还没人抢走我呢,你就已经有新婚之夜了!- 她咕哝着走进厨房。夜在那里继续。我们用半真半假的声音谈论着各种话题。妈妈仍然穿着婚纱。她的乳房看起来多么美丽、多么丰满!酒喝完了,但我不想离开。我想四处走走,过滤一下发生的一切,于是我自告奋勇去了商店。我想没有人和我一起去。大家都盯着妈妈,等着我离开。商店离我家不远,10 分钟后我就带着两瓶白兰地回到了家。一进家门,我就被一片寂静吓了一跳。没有笑声,没有碰杯声。只有厨房里某人单调的低音。整个走廊都弥漫着香烟的味道。经过父母的卧室时,我听到了窃窃私语和摸索声。然后窃窃私语声停止了,床开始发出单调的咯吱声。几秒钟后,妈妈发出了 "嗯............ "的低沉呻吟声,虽然声音不大,但足以让人明白有人在操妈妈。很显然,谢尔盖还是获得了新婚初夜的权利。我走进厨房。厨房里坐着三个人--安东、热尼亚和谢尔盖。- 伊戈尔呢?- 我问,他抢走了新娘。- 所有的人都笑了。我把白兰地放在桌上,然后去挂外套。在门口,我突然撞见了妈妈。- 这么快就回来了?你买了什么?- 她问。她穿的不再是裙子,而是黑色睡衣和丝袜。"孩子们,快给我倒点喝的。我渴极了。"她就那样摇摆着臀部,走向餐桌。看到她如此性感的打扮,所有人都惊掉了下巴。"妈妈撅着嘴说:"不能让证人离开,我等不及你了。- 谭雅,快坐下。我们给你倒了很久的酒。- 你看起来美极了。- 热尼亚目不转睛地看着妈妈说。- 谢谢你,亲爱的。- 妈妈笑着把脚放在腿上,开始喝白兰地。- 那么,证人在哪里?- 谢廖伊问道。- 我不知道。可能在睡觉吧。- 妈妈耸了耸肩。大家都笑了,因为他们意识到卧室里发生了什么。热尼亚用颤抖的声音羞涩地说 "塔蒂亚娜,让我和你合影留念吧。纪念世界上最美丽、最性感的女人"--当然是热娜奇卡!- 妈妈站起来,坐在他的腿上,搂着他的脖子,情不自禁地弯下身子。-  [ Seks] 我也要。- 谢尔盖说着已经开始起身,但这时安东已经站在了摄影模特的旁边。我接过热尼亚的手机,拍了几张照片。"来吧,热尼亚,搂着我。"妈妈向他走来,让自己的胸部离热尼亚的脸只有几厘米远。他犹豫着用手搂住了妈妈的腰。他的手开始往下移。妈妈诱人地伸出下体。热尼亚的手掌已经直接放在了妈妈的臀部上。<br>妈妈站起来,坐在他身上,面对着他,背对着我。亵衣的后背被掀起,妈妈的丁字裤清晰可见。我不停地按着拍照手机。妈妈转过身来,热情地直视镜头。她显然已经进入状态。她伸出一条腿或另一条腿。然后,她靠墙站着。谢尔盖走到她身边,像跳舞一样抬起她的腿,紧紧地贴在她身上。妈妈又坐在了热尼亚的身上。她在热尼亚挺立的阴茎上的动作十分明显。她公然在上面蹭来蹭去。显然,大家的兴奋都达到了高潮。- 不如这样吧 - 妈妈站在桌子上,略带色情地靠了过来。谢尔盖用手掌握住她的脚,开始亲吻。妈妈非常享受这一切。她开始拉下她的睡衣,露出她的乳房。"哇" 男人们高兴地鼓起掌来。妈妈开始跳脱衣舞。我实在看不下去了,踉踉跄跄地走出了厨房。但我必须知道结局如何 每个人的鸡巴都硬了起来。妈妈站在桌子上,屁股露在外面。安东是第一个受不了的人。他站在沙发上,当着妈妈的面拉开拉链,把鸡巴露了出来。妈妈没被说服多久,就贪婪地吞下并开始吸吮。她的嘴唇紧紧地含着安东的阴茎。谢尔盖站在妈妈身后的椅子上,带着一种野兽般的咆哮,推开她的内裤,猛地进入她的身体,开始干她。厨房里弥漫着酒气和浓浓的烟味。"啊啊啊 "的声音在整个公寓里回荡。只要没人醒来就好。- 是啊...... 哦 很好 - 谢尔盖让我妈硬了 - 啊 很好 mmm... more... - 妈妈呻吟着 妈妈是性爱的缩影 此时此刻,她似乎已经准备好让整个社区、整个城市、整个世界都为之倾倒。谢尔盖有节奏而有力的动作一次又一次地震撼着妈妈。他粗糙而巨大的手掌紧紧地揉捏着妈妈的大屁股。热尼亚没有站在一旁,而是拉开拉链,站在安东旁边--就在妈妈甜美的小嘴前。妈妈高兴得捂住了眼睛。- 是的,谢廖莎。再深点...... 噢噢噢噢 妈妈舔着热尼亚的阴茎头,把它完全含进嘴里。看着这一切,安东猛烈地抽搐起来。谢尔盖加快了速度,越来越狂野地操着妈妈。随着一声咆哮和一阵抽搐,他直接射进了妈妈的身体。安东迅速占据了空出的位置。他动作急促,时快时慢地进入了妈妈的身体。她幸福地呻吟着。不知什么时候,她大声叫了起来 "啊... 好深.... ! 再来!!" 在这种感激之情的鼓励下,安东开始蹂躏他的母亲。她丰满的乳房随着安东的动作摇摆,她的嘴不时被振亚或恢复体力的谢尔盖占据。妈妈卖力地吮吸着它们。她的脸上洋溢着无以言表的幸福。她喜欢当妓女。安东射精后,热尼亚取代了他的位置。妈妈扭动着屁股,他开始从后面干她,没有任何反抗。安东坐在他旁边抽烟,谢尔盖闭着眼睛,享受着妈妈的口交。妈妈喜欢把自己交给这群男人。她的妆都花了,看起来更糟糕了。她正被三个男人操着。贪婪地 猛烈地 但这不是和街头妓女做爱,而是和一个一流的女人。睡衣、丰满的乳房、穿着黑色丝袜的美丽长腿、浑圆的大屁股....。女神。阿佛洛狄忒 不是吧 那是我妈妈。一个非常爱她丈夫的忠实妻子。吉安尼继续有条不紊地操着我妈妈 甜蜜的性爱气氛充斥着整个厨房。吉阿尼开始加快速度 妈妈的呻吟声回荡在整个公寓里。- 我受不了了。- 热尼亚从牙缝里发出呜咽声,摩擦了几下后直接射进了我妈妈的身体里。几秒钟后,谢尔盖一声狂吼,直接喷进了妈妈的嘴里。她几乎来不及咽下他所有的精液。她的嘴角还残留着几滴白色的液体。筋疲力尽的热尼亚瘫坐在沙发上。妈妈站在桌子上,靠在谢尔盖的胳膊上,坐在沙发上。幸福的淫荡笑容让她的脸无比撩人。- 男孩们给女士倒香槟。- 妈妈用微弱而满足的声音轻声说道。喝了一杯后,妈妈试图站起来,但显然酒精和半小时与三个男人的性爱让她精疲力竭。- 哦,我想我真的醉了。我困了。- 妈妈起身走向卧室。- 嘘,嘘,嘘。我们带你出去 - 谢尔盖就在那儿。热尼亚从右边搂住妈妈的腰,跳起来从左边抱住她。- 嗯......孩子们......你们真勇敢 - 妈妈迈着不稳的步子,踩着高跟鞋,在男友的陪伴下走进了卧室。<br>我赶紧跑过去,躲在窗帘后面。伊戈尔已经在那里睡着了。妈妈躺在他身边。谢尔盖脱掉她的鞋子,给她盖上毯子,温柔地亲吻她。"我是多么爱她",他深深地叹了口气。热尼亚开始叫伊戈尔起床,我们得走了。- 起来,我们得走了。现在就去。- 伊戈尔睡眼惺忪地嘟囔着。- 走吧,我们等着呢。谢尔盖和热尼亚离开了卧室。伊戈尔伸了个懒腰,整理了一下长发。他想站起来,却发现妈妈睡在他旁边。她的一条腿从被子里露了出来。他开始抚摸妈妈的大腿。他拉下被子,把妈妈的乳房从睡衣中解放出来,吞了吞口水,把手放在柔软的乳肉上,开始揉捏妈妈的乳房。他把棉被从她身上完全扔掉,开始解开裤子的扣子。妈妈开始在睡梦中呻吟,并向伊戈尔的手靠近。她完全没有意识到发生了什么。卧室里弥漫着一股浓烈的酒精味。伊戈尔拉开拉链,掏出自己坚硬的阴茎,把嘴唇贴在妈妈的嘴唇上,然后把自己压在妈妈身上。妈妈回应了他的吻,两人开始激情拥吻。伊戈尔的吻覆盖了她的脖子和乳房。就像害怕被人看见的年轻恋人一样,他们急忙融为一体。- 我好想要你。- 伊戈尔说。- ......我想要你,亲爱的。- 妈妈热情地低语道。她张开双腿,让伊戈尔进入。他猛烈地进入了妈妈的身体,妈妈的嘴里发出一声低沉的呻吟--"uuuhhhh..... 嗯" 我可以看到伊戈尔的背影,他在妈妈体内激烈地抽插,妈妈穿着丝袜的双腿环绕在伊戈尔的腰间,指甲抠进他的后背。伊戈尔有力地进入妈妈的身体,每一次插入,床都发出吱吱嘎嘎的声音,撞击着墙壁,妈妈只发出轻轻的 "啊.................. "声。 我敢肯定,妈妈甚至不知道是谁在操她。丈夫、邻居、同事、老人、大男子主义者。这对她来说并不重要--她想要一根鸡巴插进她的身体,然后它就来操她了,至于是谁占有了她,完全无关紧要。- 好了,你马上就到吗?"热尼亚朝房间里看去,只见伊戈尔正压在妈妈身上,用木桩紧紧地顶着妈妈。- 是的... 是的... 伊戈尔嘶哑地说道。- 呜呜呜......。- 妈妈发出一声长长的呻吟。之后,伊戈尔立即射精了。热尼亚微笑着走出去,关上了门。伊戈尔站起身,迅速穿好衣服,拍了拍妈妈的屁股,莞尔一笑,然后离开了。妈妈睡得很香,好像什么都没发生过,好像没有发生过性关系,这只是一个梦。在走廊里,我听到了外套拉拉链的声音和男人的声音。- 莱哈,你什么时候上床睡觉的?- 一切开始的时候 看着你妈妈被操一定不好受吧?- 我也想干他的女朋友奥克萨娜 乳头不错 他们低声笑着,说了几句话后就开门离开了。窗外天色渐亮。P. S 所有意见和建议请发送至以下地址
Fucking my wife by underage boys<br>Good afternoon, dear readers! I want to share with you a story that happened to me and my wife. To give you an idea about us, I will describe in detail who we are and what we do. My name is Ruslan, I am 30 years old, athletic build, I work in the FSO, my salary is quite big, my wife and I do not deny ourselves anything. My wife's name is Anastasia, she is 25 years old, a slender blonde with breasts of size 3, taller than me by a good 15 cm (her height is 190, mine is 175). To be honest, this fact complicates our sex life a little bit, because it's uncomfortable to have her in cancer, because she is taller, and also she has a rather wide vagina because of the size. My penis is of normal size-18 cm, but compared to her pussy it is small, so we both do not get a proper high. Nastya works in a school, this year, 2015, she was graduating 11th grade, and this is what we will talk about next. 25 May. On this long-awaited day my Nastya's class celebrated the graduation party, and the next day, according to tradition, the class went on holiday separately from parents to the river. I will not describe the events of the first day, as I was not at the graduation party and, as a rule, nothing unusual happens on this day: Everyone has fun, gets drunk and in the morning throws up in the toilet. It should be noted that my Nastya was also present at the graduation party, but she came home not drunk and in good spirits. The next morning, wearing a short skirt above the knees, a blouse, ballet flats, my wife got ready for the river. -Honey, shouldn't the class celebrate the second day separately from parents and [ Трахаться] teachers? -Must, darling, but it's the second day. -Should, darling, but you know those kids, they get drunk, go swimming and drown. I'll sit next to them and keep an eye on them, just in case. I will add that in our family no one has ever cheated on anyone, I can vouch for that, so in this respect I am calm. However, on this day my wife so much make-up, that in my head involuntarily crept into my head thoughts of cheating, but I quickly put these vile thoughts out of my head. In general, after seeing my wife to the car, and she has a BMW X5, I returned home, because today I had a day off. After a little sitting with a can of beer at the TV, I decided to go to the river to my wife, to refresh myself on this hot day would not hurt me. When I arrived at the base, I was surprised to see that neither my wife nor my children were there. That was the first alarm bell for me. On the river I only met 4 girls from my wife's class, they told me that she had just left with the guys from the class to go home to one of them to get a barbecue and skewers, they were going to grill kebabs. Having calmed down a little and learnt the address of this student, I decided to go there, as there was nothing to do, and the help of a grown-up man would not hurt the children. Mayakovskogo 24, flat 3. My wife's BMW is outside the entrance. I'm standing on the doorstep, knocking. No one opens the door, although I hear that there is noise in the house. I knocked on the door for about 5 minutes, but it was no use. At that moment I became really worried for my Nastya. Deciding to find out everything, I climb on the balcony of the 1st floor Raising my head, I see this picture: my wife is sitting on the sofa, and around her sit wherever 8 students. Next to them she seems just huge, her legs are almost longer than the height of these guys. I can clearly hear the conversation: -"Anastasia Sergeyevna, let's play a game with you. -What is it, boys? I look at her and I see lust in her eyes. I notice that both her hands are on the fly of two students sitting next to her. I start to think: What the fuck? -The rules are very simple: now we blindfold you, take out our cocks and fuck you in the mouth one by one. And you will have to guess whose cock is in your mouth. Otherwise you will be punished. And without waiting for my wife to answer, one of the guys, the tallest and skinniest, blindfolded her from behind, and the rest of them, as if on cue, poured their dicks out of their underwear. To say I was fucked is an understatement. My first instinct was to run into the flat and smash those arrogant bastards in the fuckin' face. But I decided to watch my wife's reaction. One of the guys, the biggest and the shortest, came right up to the level of my wife's face and rubbed his cock on her lips. Without a second thought, she opened her mouth and swallowed the cock up to her balls. My soul was torn to pieces, I was ready to tear anyone in the world, but for some reason I did not interfere in the action and watched. After sucking for a minute, my wife said: -This is Ruslan Emirov's cock. -Well done, Anastasia Sergeyevna, but it was an easy level, because Ruslan has already banged you in the mouth more than once and more than twice. Not once and not twice! Thousands of thoughts went through my head? When? Where and why didn't I know about this??? Ruslan was followed by a queue. The second was some bespectacled guy with a huge cock.<br>He came over and fucked my wife in the mouth like I had never fucked her, not even in the pussy. He was literally putting her mouth on his cock, his balls slapping against my wife's chin. And the best part was that this monster fit in her mouth all the way down to her balls! He was about 25cm maybe, I've never seen dicks that long. Then I remember how my wife sucked my cock, or rather licked the head and said that she couldn't go deeper, she wanted to vomit. And here some nerd is forcing my wife to suck my cock to the balls, mercilessly banging her throat. -That's Sasha Borisov's cock. -And this is an easy level, because Sasha has the longest and your big mouth, Anastasia Sergeyevna, knows it firsthand. And this one was fucking her in the mouth! I thought I was going to faint! Third in the queue was a long and thin guy. At 195cm tall, he weighed no more than 65. As he approached my wife, he deflected her head, stood on the couch and started fucking Nastia's mouth. I could perfectly see his balls hitting her chin and saliva dripping from them. My beloved's mouth was going round and round from his balls hitting her lips furiously. After fucking her for about two minutes, he jumped off and sat down on the chair. -It was Denis Lebedevsky When he took out his cock and put it in my wife's mouth, I thought I was going to vomit! He was all blue, with huge veins on his balls, all wrinkled and old! I could see those balls rippling from fucking into my wife's beautiful mouth and hitting her bottom lip. After sucking for about five minutes, Nastya said: -This is the most delicious and beautiful cock, I'm sure, it's probably Sergei Matafonov's dick. Then Sergei Matafonov comes out of the queue and shouts: -And no, untie this whore's eyes! When Nastya's eyes were untied and she saw what cock was in front of her and who was its owner, her expression changed sharply and became pathetic. -Nikolai Petrovich, where did you come from?! Nikolai Petrovich! This nasty old man is a history teacher at school, my wife told me about him. She said that this old man is the most disgusting of all people in the world, that he doesn't wash for 3 months. And so she took his dirty cock in her mouth, smacked it and said it was the most delicious! -Anastasia Sergeyevna, I'm the only teacher in our school who hasn't fucked you in the mouth. The whole school knows what a whore you are. The guys of the whole school told me how you sucked ten-graders at the preparatory courses, how you were fucked by duplets and eleventh-graders in turn under the service stairs. And how you took turns in the teacher's lavatory sucking the OBGYN and the labour specialist, do you need a reminder? And they were even older than me. So how am I any worse? -I've told you 100 times I won't suck your cock! -And yet you just licked my cock clean and said it was the most delicious! -Nikolai Petrovich! -Nikolai Petrovich, stay with us, Anastasia Sergeyevna didn't guess whose cock she had in her mouth, now we'll punish her! With these words one of the guys, the fattest one, took my wife by the hair and dragged her to the centre of the hall. I wanted to smash his fucking face, but I couldn't interrupt the action, since I hadn't prevented it beforehand.... -You are now Nipple 11-A, and from now on we will call you that. Crawl over to the couch and lick our arse, all of you! The guys immediately got on the couch, put their legs up and waited. I thought I was gonna puke right away. Nikolai Petrovich settled down among the boys. Nastya timidly crawled up to the first of the guys, took his buttocks with her hands, spread them apart and started licking his hole. While she was doing this, everyone around her laughed and called her a whore of the last and a put-down slut. I couldn't look at that so I turned away. I didn't look into the room for about 7 minutes, however after that period of time everyone started laughing loudly. I turned around and started looking to see why they were laughing. It turns out that Nastya had already crawled up Nikolai Petrovich's arse and was refusing to lick. But Nikolai Petrovich, not thinking long, took my wife by the head and forcefully leaned her against his stinking hairy anal! And then I threw up, vomited for about 2 minutes, without a break, and at that time the anilingus was over and Nastya was already licking everyone's balls in turn. Having licked everyone's balls clean, my wife sat down in the middle of the room and waited for her and then it started! They fucked her in the throat one by one, driving the cock up to the balls, her red swollen face I could clearly see. The balls were touching her nose, and Nikolai Petrovich's balls, sagging like a sharpei's, were touching even her eyes! After fucking my wife in this position for about 30 minutes, the guys put her on Ruslan Emirov, and he started to fuck her in her pussy. A fat guy stood on top of her and started shoving his small cock in her mouth. How horrible it looked! My wife, a slim, beautiful brunette in the prime of her life, being fucked in the mouth by some fat, pimply teenager!<br>After fucking her in this position for a while, the fat one started filling my favourite cum into her mouth! After swallowing it all, my [ bitch] shouted: -Next! -Now you, our cool mum, you'll be in trouble! With these words the bespectacled man jumped on the sofa and with a swing put his cock into Nastya's big mouth. How hard he rammed it into her mouth! She was panting, wriggling, asking him to stop, but the bespectacled man didn't listen to her. After fucking her for about 5 minutes, he started cumming on her face, hitting Nastya in the eye. Having licked everything clean, Nastya shouted: -Nikolai Petrovich, put it in my mouth, I want to suck your old cock and lick your sagging balls! -Des, jump on this [ bitch] and let's fuck her in the pussy together, because I don't feel high at all, this mare has a big pussy. And in this position, by helicopter, my wife was fucked for about 30 minutes, two cocks in her cunt, and Nikolai Petrovich's cock in her mouth. -Zhenek, put a cock in our favourite Anastasia Sergeyevna's ass! In the arse! Nastya never let me penetrate her anal, she was always afraid it would hurt and generally considered it immoral. -No, boys, you know my arse is not developed! -No, boys! -We will! Having said this phrase, Gianni pushed his big cock into her anus. When he reached her balls, he began to fuck her hole with the speed of an aeroplane. Nastya screamed like a slit, but soon got used to it and even began to wiggle him. Now imagine this picture: I stand on the balcony and watch two teenagers have my young wife in the cunt, one in the arse, and meanwhile she sucks an old man..... And this despite the fact that they were all standing in unnatural positions because Nastya was too big. Everything else was a blur. The next 2 hours I watched like a robot: poses were changing, cocks were violently cumming in her arse, cunt. Her mouth became so big and red from the cocks that it was impossible to recognise it. She was fucked by a helicopter, and sat with her arse on her face, fucked in her mouth, and two of them sucked in her cunt, in short, had as they wanted. But what happened at the end, I was shocked and completely killed: having pissed my wife from head to toe, having fucked her in all her slits, the guys apparently decided that it was not enough. -Rusik, get a cup! -Rusik, get a cup! Ruslan ran to the kitchen and brought a huge transparent cup and gave it to my wife. -Anastasia Sergeyevna, we want you to remember us forever, our graduation, 11A 2015! With these words, long Denis came over and started fucking Nastia in the mouth, and Sasha went to the cup that was in her hands and started (oh gods!) pissing in it. After pissing, he pulled Denis away and gave it to my beloved's mouth. After a hard blowjob, Sasha started cumming into the same cup! I couldn't believe my eyes! Was she really going to drink that? The fat guy came next and poured into the cup, the pattern of fucking in the mouth and cumming in the cup was repeated. And so all eight teenagers filled the cup. Nikolai Petrovich was left. Putting the cup on the table, Nastya crawled up to him and began sucking furiously on his fallen wrinkled cock. After sucking it, she went lower, to his hanging balls, and dug her lips into them. After licking his balls, she went even lower and started licking the old man's arse! I couldn't watch this anymore, so I turned round. I turned round ten minutes later when I heard the teenagers screaming. Nastia took the bowl of piss and cum, I saw her raise it above her head and her throat started making swallowing motions and the guys were videoing and applauding! And then I threw up again! I had never thrown up for so long. I just couldn't believe that my beautiful wife had just been unceremoniously fucked all over and forced to drink piss mixed with cum! When I came to my senses and turned round, I saw the empty bowl on the floor and my wife's holes stretched to an incredible size. There was cum oozing out of her arsehole, and her fucked up cunt too, but it was of a yellowish hue. I guessed that my wife's cunt had not only been cummed in, but also pissed in! Nastya stood prone and sucked the teenagers round and round again. Nikolai Petrovich joined her from behind and entered her arse. I did not want to watch this action, so I jumped off the balcony and went to my car ... P. S. Continuation follows. The story is true, all names have been changed for the purpose of conspiracy. If you have any questions, please contact us by mail

Aktuelle Version vom 11. September 2024, 05:04 Uhr

Fucking my wife by underage boys
Good afternoon, dear readers! I want to share with you a story that happened to me and my wife. To give you an idea about us, I will describe in detail who we are and what we do. My name is Ruslan, I am 30 years old, athletic build, I work in the FSO, my salary is quite big, my wife and I do not deny ourselves anything. My wife's name is Anastasia, she is 25 years old, a slender blonde with breasts of size 3, taller than me by a good 15 cm (her height is 190, mine is 175). To be honest, this fact complicates our sex life a little bit, because it's uncomfortable to have her in cancer, because she is taller, and also she has a rather wide vagina because of the size. My penis is of normal size-18 cm, but compared to her pussy it is small, so we both do not get a proper high. Nastya works in a school, this year, 2015, she was graduating 11th grade, and this is what we will talk about next. 25 May. On this long-awaited day my Nastya's class celebrated the graduation party, and the next day, according to tradition, the class went on holiday separately from parents to the river. I will not describe the events of the first day, as I was not at the graduation party and, as a rule, nothing unusual happens on this day: Everyone has fun, gets drunk and in the morning throws up in the toilet. It should be noted that my Nastya was also present at the graduation party, but she came home not drunk and in good spirits. The next morning, wearing a short skirt above the knees, a blouse, ballet flats, my wife got ready for the river. -Honey, shouldn't the class celebrate the second day separately from parents and Трахаться teachers? -Must, darling, but it's the second day. -Should, darling, but you know those kids, they get drunk, go swimming and drown. I'll sit next to them and keep an eye on them, just in case. I will add that in our family no one has ever cheated on anyone, I can vouch for that, so in this respect I am calm. However, on this day my wife so much make-up, that in my head involuntarily crept into my head thoughts of cheating, but I quickly put these vile thoughts out of my head. In general, after seeing my wife to the car, and she has a BMW X5, I returned home, because today I had a day off. After a little sitting with a can of beer at the TV, I decided to go to the river to my wife, to refresh myself on this hot day would not hurt me. When I arrived at the base, I was surprised to see that neither my wife nor my children were there. That was the first alarm bell for me. On the river I only met 4 girls from my wife's class, they told me that she had just left with the guys from the class to go home to one of them to get a barbecue and skewers, they were going to grill kebabs. Having calmed down a little and learnt the address of this student, I decided to go there, as there was nothing to do, and the help of a grown-up man would not hurt the children. Mayakovskogo 24, flat 3. My wife's BMW is outside the entrance. I'm standing on the doorstep, knocking. No one opens the door, although I hear that there is noise in the house. I knocked on the door for about 5 minutes, but it was no use. At that moment I became really worried for my Nastya. Deciding to find out everything, I climb on the balcony of the 1st floor Raising my head, I see this picture: my wife is sitting on the sofa, and around her sit wherever 8 students. Next to them she seems just huge, her legs are almost longer than the height of these guys. I can clearly hear the conversation: -"Anastasia Sergeyevna, let's play a game with you. -What is it, boys? I look at her and I see lust in her eyes. I notice that both her hands are on the fly of two students sitting next to her. I start to think: What the fuck? -The rules are very simple: now we blindfold you, take out our cocks and fuck you in the mouth one by one. And you will have to guess whose cock is in your mouth. Otherwise you will be punished. And without waiting for my wife to answer, one of the guys, the tallest and skinniest, blindfolded her from behind, and the rest of them, as if on cue, poured their dicks out of their underwear. To say I was fucked is an understatement. My first instinct was to run into the flat and smash those arrogant bastards in the fuckin' face. But I decided to watch my wife's reaction. One of the guys, the biggest and the shortest, came right up to the level of my wife's face and rubbed his cock on her lips. Without a second thought, she opened her mouth and swallowed the cock up to her balls. My soul was torn to pieces, I was ready to tear anyone in the world, but for some reason I did not interfere in the action and watched. After sucking for a minute, my wife said: -This is Ruslan Emirov's cock. -Well done, Anastasia Sergeyevna, but it was an easy level, because Ruslan has already banged you in the mouth more than once and more than twice. Not once and not twice! Thousands of thoughts went through my head? When? Where and why didn't I know about this??? Ruslan was followed by a queue. The second was some bespectacled guy with a huge cock.
He came over and fucked my wife in the mouth like I had never fucked her, not even in the pussy. He was literally putting her mouth on his cock, his balls slapping against my wife's chin. And the best part was that this monster fit in her mouth all the way down to her balls! He was about 25cm maybe, I've never seen dicks that long. Then I remember how my wife sucked my cock, or rather licked the head and said that she couldn't go deeper, she wanted to vomit. And here some nerd is forcing my wife to suck my cock to the balls, mercilessly banging her throat. -That's Sasha Borisov's cock. -And this is an easy level, because Sasha has the longest and your big mouth, Anastasia Sergeyevna, knows it firsthand. And this one was fucking her in the mouth! I thought I was going to faint! Third in the queue was a long and thin guy. At 195cm tall, he weighed no more than 65. As he approached my wife, he deflected her head, stood on the couch and started fucking Nastia's mouth. I could perfectly see his balls hitting her chin and saliva dripping from them. My beloved's mouth was going round and round from his balls hitting her lips furiously. After fucking her for about two minutes, he jumped off and sat down on the chair. -It was Denis Lebedevsky When he took out his cock and put it in my wife's mouth, I thought I was going to vomit! He was all blue, with huge veins on his balls, all wrinkled and old! I could see those balls rippling from fucking into my wife's beautiful mouth and hitting her bottom lip. After sucking for about five minutes, Nastya said: -This is the most delicious and beautiful cock, I'm sure, it's probably Sergei Matafonov's dick. Then Sergei Matafonov comes out of the queue and shouts: -And no, untie this whore's eyes! When Nastya's eyes were untied and she saw what cock was in front of her and who was its owner, her expression changed sharply and became pathetic. -Nikolai Petrovich, where did you come from?! Nikolai Petrovich! This nasty old man is a history teacher at school, my wife told me about him. She said that this old man is the most disgusting of all people in the world, that he doesn't wash for 3 months. And so she took his dirty cock in her mouth, smacked it and said it was the most delicious! -Anastasia Sergeyevna, I'm the only teacher in our school who hasn't fucked you in the mouth. The whole school knows what a whore you are. The guys of the whole school told me how you sucked ten-graders at the preparatory courses, how you were fucked by duplets and eleventh-graders in turn under the service stairs. And how you took turns in the teacher's lavatory sucking the OBGYN and the labour specialist, do you need a reminder? And they were even older than me. So how am I any worse? -I've told you 100 times I won't suck your cock! -And yet you just licked my cock clean and said it was the most delicious! -Nikolai Petrovich! -Nikolai Petrovich, stay with us, Anastasia Sergeyevna didn't guess whose cock she had in her mouth, now we'll punish her! With these words one of the guys, the fattest one, took my wife by the hair and dragged her to the centre of the hall. I wanted to smash his fucking face, but I couldn't interrupt the action, since I hadn't prevented it beforehand.... -You are now Nipple 11-A, and from now on we will call you that. Crawl over to the couch and lick our arse, all of you! The guys immediately got on the couch, put their legs up and waited. I thought I was gonna puke right away. Nikolai Petrovich settled down among the boys. Nastya timidly crawled up to the first of the guys, took his buttocks with her hands, spread them apart and started licking his hole. While she was doing this, everyone around her laughed and called her a whore of the last and a put-down slut. I couldn't look at that so I turned away. I didn't look into the room for about 7 minutes, however after that period of time everyone started laughing loudly. I turned around and started looking to see why they were laughing. It turns out that Nastya had already crawled up Nikolai Petrovich's arse and was refusing to lick. But Nikolai Petrovich, not thinking long, took my wife by the head and forcefully leaned her against his stinking hairy anal! And then I threw up, vomited for about 2 minutes, without a break, and at that time the anilingus was over and Nastya was already licking everyone's balls in turn. Having licked everyone's balls clean, my wife sat down in the middle of the room and waited for her and then it started! They fucked her in the throat one by one, driving the cock up to the balls, her red swollen face I could clearly see. The balls were touching her nose, and Nikolai Petrovich's balls, sagging like a sharpei's, were touching even her eyes! After fucking my wife in this position for about 30 minutes, the guys put her on Ruslan Emirov, and he started to fuck her in her pussy. A fat guy stood on top of her and started shoving his small cock in her mouth. How horrible it looked! My wife, a slim, beautiful brunette in the prime of her life, being fucked in the mouth by some fat, pimply teenager!
After fucking her in this position for a while, the fat one started filling my favourite cum into her mouth! After swallowing it all, my bitch shouted: -Next! -Now you, our cool mum, you'll be in trouble! With these words the bespectacled man jumped on the sofa and with a swing put his cock into Nastya's big mouth. How hard he rammed it into her mouth! She was panting, wriggling, asking him to stop, but the bespectacled man didn't listen to her. After fucking her for about 5 minutes, he started cumming on her face, hitting Nastya in the eye. Having licked everything clean, Nastya shouted: -Nikolai Petrovich, put it in my mouth, I want to suck your old cock and lick your sagging balls! -Des, jump on this bitch and let's fuck her in the pussy together, because I don't feel high at all, this mare has a big pussy. And in this position, by helicopter, my wife was fucked for about 30 minutes, two cocks in her cunt, and Nikolai Petrovich's cock in her mouth. -Zhenek, put a cock in our favourite Anastasia Sergeyevna's ass! In the arse! Nastya never let me penetrate her anal, she was always afraid it would hurt and generally considered it immoral. -No, boys, you know my arse is not developed! -No, boys! -We will! Having said this phrase, Gianni pushed his big cock into her anus. When he reached her balls, he began to fuck her hole with the speed of an aeroplane. Nastya screamed like a slit, but soon got used to it and even began to wiggle him. Now imagine this picture: I stand on the balcony and watch two teenagers have my young wife in the cunt, one in the arse, and meanwhile she sucks an old man..... And this despite the fact that they were all standing in unnatural positions because Nastya was too big. Everything else was a blur. The next 2 hours I watched like a robot: poses were changing, cocks were violently cumming in her arse, cunt. Her mouth became so big and red from the cocks that it was impossible to recognise it. She was fucked by a helicopter, and sat with her arse on her face, fucked in her mouth, and two of them sucked in her cunt, in short, had as they wanted. But what happened at the end, I was shocked and completely killed: having pissed my wife from head to toe, having fucked her in all her slits, the guys apparently decided that it was not enough. -Rusik, get a cup! -Rusik, get a cup! Ruslan ran to the kitchen and brought a huge transparent cup and gave it to my wife. -Anastasia Sergeyevna, we want you to remember us forever, our graduation, 11A 2015! With these words, long Denis came over and started fucking Nastia in the mouth, and Sasha went to the cup that was in her hands and started (oh gods!) pissing in it. After pissing, he pulled Denis away and gave it to my beloved's mouth. After a hard blowjob, Sasha started cumming into the same cup! I couldn't believe my eyes! Was she really going to drink that? The fat guy came next and poured into the cup, the pattern of fucking in the mouth and cumming in the cup was repeated. And so all eight teenagers filled the cup. Nikolai Petrovich was left. Putting the cup on the table, Nastya crawled up to him and began sucking furiously on his fallen wrinkled cock. After sucking it, she went lower, to his hanging balls, and dug her lips into them. After licking his balls, she went even lower and started licking the old man's arse! I couldn't watch this anymore, so I turned round. I turned round ten minutes later when I heard the teenagers screaming. Nastia took the bowl of piss and cum, I saw her raise it above her head and her throat started making swallowing motions and the guys were videoing and applauding! And then I threw up again! I had never thrown up for so long. I just couldn't believe that my beautiful wife had just been unceremoniously fucked all over and forced to drink piss mixed with cum! When I came to my senses and turned round, I saw the empty bowl on the floor and my wife's holes stretched to an incredible size. There was cum oozing out of her arsehole, and her fucked up cunt too, but it was of a yellowish hue. I guessed that my wife's cunt had not only been cummed in, but also pissed in! Nastya stood prone and sucked the teenagers round and round again. Nikolai Petrovich joined her from behind and entered her arse. I did not want to watch this action, so I jumped off the balcony and went to my car ... P. S. Continuation follows. The story is true, all names have been changed for the purpose of conspiracy. If you have any questions, please contact us by mail