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Если бы ты знал, сколько людей тебя считают геем, ты бы так не шутил<br>Вы когда-нибудь курили травку? На каждого она действует по разному, кого-то пробирает на «ха-ха», кто-то начинает о чем-то думать и сильно загоняться по какому-нибудь поводу, кто-то просто ловит кайф и таким образом отдыхает от проблем, а кто-то, возможно, сидит на ней и не представляет свой день без косяка. Каждому свое. Мы с друганом торчками не являемся, но и покурить время от времени любим. Скорее даже мой друг любит, ну а я просто так за компанию. Он всегда мне говорит, что курить одному в лом, и если я откажусь, то он меня побьет. И после этих слов на его лице всегда появляется улыбка, а руки уже забивают сигарету необходимыми ингредиентами. Скажу честно, против его улыбки я редко мог устоять. Когда он улыбается, у меня в животе как будто что-то сжимается, и я... я готов соглашаться на что угодно и как угодно. Он этого явно не знает, может, догадывается, но не знает наверняка. А еще я обожаю его тачку. Иметь лучшего друга с такой милой улыбкой, да еще и с машиной... предел моих мечтаний. Если рассматривать наши отношения чуть глубже, то дружим мы с самой начальной школы, хотя и учились в разных классах. Он на год старше меня, но это не мешало нам даже в школе тусоваться на переменах вместе. Вместе росли, вместе попробовали первое пиво, вместе бегали за школу курить и так далее. Помню, был один момент, который я считаю переломным в моем восприятии нашей дружбы. Хотя это немного преувеличенно, но,  [ Abuse] согласитесь, мы часто видим смысл там, где его нет. Неважно. В общем, мы просто гуляли, с ним по улице, шатались как обычные подростки шатаются по улице в свободное время, и нам на встречу шли несколько девчонок из его класса. Я не знал их имен, но часто видел, как Марк с ними общается. Так вот одна из них крикнула нам, что мы как сладкая парочка всюду ходим вместе, и что нам пора бы уже пожениться. На что, я одобряюще обнял своего друга и добавил, что может скоро и поженимся. Никогда не забуду, что он мне тогда сказал, когда мы отошли от этих смеющихся девочек: «Если бы ты знал, сколько людей тебя считают геем, ты бы так не шутил». Эта фраза очень сильно врезалась мне в голову, вплоть до того, что я стал копаться в себе, а когда копаешь, обязательно нароешь что-нибудь ужасное. Нельзя же просто проснуться и сказать самому себе: «Да, я гей». Для начала надо понять все эти чувства, мысли, отголоски зарождающихся желаний, а уже потом наводить панику. Так вот, после тех самых слов я стал задумываться, а кто я на самом деле. И чем больше я об этом думал, тем больше понимал, что Марк мне нравится куда больше чем просто друг. А дальше ведь, хуже. У Марка стали водится девушки, гулять вместе мы стали реже, а для частых звонков я просто не находил лишнего повода. Мы отдалялись, и это ни могло меня не расстраивать Так со временем, мы стали встречаться чаще, [ Сестра] а мое «подросшее» тело и ум стали всячески стараться угодить моему другу во всем, чтобы ему там не пришло в голову. Марк припарковал свою машину во дворе подальше от проезжей части и сразу достал сигарету, вытряхнул из нее весь табак за окошко, достал пакетик с планом, аккуратно забил содержимое пакетика в пустую сигарету, скрутил кончик и обильно смочил языком бумагу, чтобы косяк слишком быстро не разгорался. Смотреть на то, как Марк работал язык, было особо приятно, его губы, рот и в какой-то степени язык были для меня чем-то вроде лакомого кусочка, который греет душу и заставляет мой живот как-то по-особенному реагировать. Марк вручил мне косяк, достал свою модную зажигалку с откидывающейся крышкой, которая горит, пока эту самую крышку обратно не закроешь, и в этот самый момент салон автомобиля осветился ярким пламенем. Я поднес сигарету к губам и потянулся к огню. Способов курить травку столько много, что на одно их описание ушло бы уйма времени, поэтому остановимся на том, что мне особенно нравился. Он называется «паровозиком». Это когда один человек берет в рот косяк, горящей стороной внутрь, зажимая фильтр губами, и выдыхает дым в рот другого человека, который в этот момент наклоняется максимально близко к твоим губам. Как бы целуясь, не прикасаясь. Как понимаете, этот способ для меня особенный, и каждый раз, когда Марк выдыхает дым мне в рот, я аккуратно кладу на его плечо свою руку, как бы контролируя его действия, чтобы ни один «дымок» не пропал зря. Сделав первую затяжку, я передал косяк своему другу. Марк последовал моему примеру и тоже затянулся и через пару секунд, он подался ко мне вперед, переворачивая сигарету, намекая, чтобы я «принимал». Меня просить дважды не надо, и на автомате рука потянулась к плечу, но в какой-то момент аккуратно приземлилась к его шее, и Марк немного дернулся, но не отстранился. Докурив, мы сидели в машине с закрытыми окнами, не выпуская дым, и просто «варились» в нем, до полного опьянения. Для этого много времени не надо, и вот лицо Марка искривилось его фирменной улыбкой, и мы заржали. Сказать, как на меня действует трава? Она обостряет и усиливает восприятие всего, что меня в данный момент может волновать, и именно в этот раз я смотрел на губы Марка, и они меня возбуждали. Сначала мой внутренний голос сказал: «какие же они красивы», потом по телу пробежала легкая дрожь, живот немного стал покалывать, и член... он стал вставать. Думаю, на трезвую голову этот процесс меня бы не сильно волновал, но в данный момент тяжесть моего члена была весомым аргументом, чтобы напрячься и думать об этом с удвоенной силой. Марк чуть откинулся в кресле, достал обычную сигарету и начал курить, что-то мне рассказывая. Я не особо слушал его, меня так сильно накрыло, что все слова пролетали мимо меня Докурив, он приоткрыл окно, вытолкнул в небольшое отверстие окурок, и тут же опять его закрыл, не давая свежему воздуху разогнать этот дым, заполонивший все свободное место в машине. И именно в этот самый момент я резко подался к другу и поцеловал его. Как я уже говорил, чувства обостряются, и это прикосновение к его губам было чем-то нереальным. Они были мягкими, немного сухими и с привкусом табачной горечи. Поцелуй был не долгий, всего пару секунд, но для меня это было самыми долгими секундами в мире. Отстранившись от него, я тут же заметил, как округлились его глаза. Марк уставился на меня, будто увидел привидение, не произнес ни звука, просто смотрел, боясь пошевелиться. И тогда я решил действовать наверняка, и очень нежно прикоснулся кончиками пальцев к его шее. Парень вздрогнул и его губу, которые все это время плотно сжимались, чуть приоткрылись, давая возможность выдохнуть, [ Amateur] и вот тогда я поцеловал его по-настоящему, проникая языком в полость рта, раздвигая его губы и смачивая их своей слюной. Марк поддался на мои манипуляции и тоже стал двигать своим языком. Мы целовались несколько минут. За это время моя рука уже вовсю была под его футболкой, прикасаясь к его упругому животу и соскам. Марк был хорошо сложен, и я всегда мечтал провести рукой по его животу, что с легкостью и сделал, не получив никакого сопротивления. Марк весь дрожал от возбуждения. Отцепившись от моих губ, он стянул с себя футболку, швырнул ее на заднее сидение автомобиля и резко потянул рычаг, фиксирующий сидение. Спинка кресла плавно уехала назад, и вот Марк уже в лежачем положение, опускает свою сильную руку мне затылок и начинает надавливать вниз, чтобы я мог прикоснуться губами к его груди. Шаг за шагом, поцелуй за поцелуем, я спускался все ниже и ниже, пока в нос не ударил терпкий запах мужского тела. Вернее, нижней части этого тела. Головка члена многозначительно торчала из-под ремня джинсов, давая мне представление об общем размере его достоинства. Такого я явно не ожидал, и, недолго думая, провел языком по выделившейся прозрачной жидкости. Марк застонал и быстро стал расстегивать ремень и приспускать свои штаны, давая мне больше пространства для маневра. Сосал я впервые, неумело, помогая рукой. Марк то и дело опускал на мою голову свои руки и с силой прижимал меня к своему члену, не давая мне дышать, и отпускал лишь тогда, когда я с хрипом пытался их убрать. Он был и груб и нежен одновременно, а его член был просто орудием для трахания. Кончил он быстро. Мне в рот. Не предупредив, и не издав почти ни звука, просто чуть интенсивнее задышал и прижал мою голову к себе. Пришлось сглатывать. А когда его хватка ослабла, и я смог вынуть его член изо рта, и часть спермы стала стекать по стволу вниз. Даже сейчас было трудно подумать, что он весь смог поместился во мне. Он, правда, был очень большим. Марк с довольной миной достал сигарету и начал курить, надевая свои штаны и возвращая сидение машины на свое место. А после, как ни в чем не бывало, предложил заехать в супермаркет и купить чего-нибудь пожрать. Я согласился. Сказать по правде, меня ни сколько не задело его безучастие. Я получил то, что хотел. Я хотел доставить ему удовольствие. О каких-то обоюдных ласках я в тот момент даже не думал. Я боялся, что после того, как он закончит, наши отношения пошатнуться и все рухнет, но этого не произошло. Мы также общались, так же пересекались и так же вечерами тусили в его тачке. А иногда он без слов мог просто опрокинуть спинку кресла назад и мои губы уже сжимали его член.
Fucking my wife by underage boys<br>Good afternoon, dear readers! I want to share with you a story that happened to me and my wife. To give you an idea about us, I will describe in detail who we are and what we do. My name is Ruslan, I am 30 years old, athletic build, I work in the FSO, my salary is quite big, my wife and I do not deny ourselves anything. My wife's name is Anastasia, she is 25 years old, a slender blonde with breasts of size 3, taller than me by a good 15 cm (her height is 190, mine is 175). To be honest, this fact complicates our sex life a little bit, because it's uncomfortable to have her in cancer, because she is taller, and also she has a rather wide vagina because of the size. My penis is of normal size-18 cm, but compared to her pussy it is small, so we both do not get a proper high. Nastya works in a school, this year, 2015, she was graduating 11th grade, and this is what we will talk about next. 25 May. On this long-awaited day my Nastya's class celebrated the graduation party, and the next day, according to tradition, the class went on holiday separately from parents to the river. I will not describe the events of the first day, as I was not at the graduation party and, as a rule, nothing unusual happens on this day: Everyone has fun, gets drunk and in the morning throws up in the toilet. It should be noted that my Nastya was also present at the graduation party, but she came home not drunk and in good spirits. The next morning, wearing a short skirt above the knees, a blouse, ballet flats, my wife got ready for the river. -Honey, shouldn't the class celebrate the second day separately from parents and [ Трахаться] teachers? -Must, darling, but it's the second day. -Should, darling, but you know those kids, they get drunk, go swimming and drown. I'll sit next to them and keep an eye on them, just in case. I will add that in our family no one has ever cheated on anyone, I can vouch for that, so in this respect I am calm. However, on this day my wife so much make-up, that in my head involuntarily crept into my head thoughts of cheating, but I quickly put these vile thoughts out of my head. In general, after seeing my wife to the car, and she has a BMW X5, I returned home, because today I had a day off. After a little sitting with a can of beer at the TV, I decided to go to the river to my wife, to refresh myself on this hot day would not hurt me. When I arrived at the base, I was surprised to see that neither my wife nor my children were there. That was the first alarm bell for me. On the river I only met 4 girls from my wife's class, they told me that she had just left with the guys from the class to go home to one of them to get a barbecue and skewers, they were going to grill kebabs. Having calmed down a little and learnt the address of this student, I decided to go there, as there was nothing to do, and the help of a grown-up man would not hurt the children. Mayakovskogo 24, flat 3. My wife's BMW is outside the entrance. I'm standing on the doorstep, knocking. No one opens the door, although I hear that there is noise in the house. I knocked on the door for about 5 minutes, but it was no use. At that moment I became really worried for my Nastya. Deciding to find out everything, I climb on the balcony of the 1st floor Raising my head, I see this picture: my wife is sitting on the sofa, and around her sit wherever 8 students. Next to them she seems just huge, her legs are almost longer than the height of these guys. I can clearly hear the conversation: -"Anastasia Sergeyevna, let's play a game with you. -What is it, boys? I look at her and I see lust in her eyes. I notice that both her hands are on the fly of two students sitting next to her. I start to think: What the fuck? -The rules are very simple: now we blindfold you, take out our cocks and fuck you in the mouth one by one. And you will have to guess whose cock is in your mouth. Otherwise you will be punished. And without waiting for my wife to answer, one of the guys, the tallest and skinniest, blindfolded her from behind, and the rest of them, as if on cue, poured their dicks out of their underwear. To say I was fucked is an understatement. My first instinct was to run into the flat and smash those arrogant bastards in the fuckin' face. But I decided to watch my wife's reaction. One of the guys, the biggest and the shortest, came right up to the level of my wife's face and rubbed his cock on her lips. Without a second thought, she opened her mouth and swallowed the cock up to her balls. My soul was torn to pieces, I was ready to tear anyone in the world, but for some reason I did not interfere in the action and watched. After sucking for a minute, my wife said: -This is Ruslan Emirov's cock. -Well done, Anastasia Sergeyevna, but it was an easy level, because Ruslan has already banged you in the mouth more than once and more than twice. Not once and not twice! Thousands of thoughts went through my head? When? Where and why didn't I know about this??? Ruslan was followed by a queue. The second was some bespectacled guy with a huge cock.<br>He came over and fucked my wife in the mouth like I had never fucked her, not even in the pussy. He was literally putting her mouth on his cock, his balls slapping against my wife's chin. And the best part was that this monster fit in her mouth all the way down to her balls! He was about 25cm maybe, I've never seen dicks that long. Then I remember how my wife sucked my cock, or rather licked the head and said that she couldn't go deeper, she wanted to vomit. And here some nerd is forcing my wife to suck my cock to the balls, mercilessly banging her throat. -That's Sasha Borisov's cock. -And this is an easy level, because Sasha has the longest and your big mouth, Anastasia Sergeyevna, knows it firsthand. And this one was fucking her in the mouth! I thought I was going to faint! Third in the queue was a long and thin guy. At 195cm tall, he weighed no more than 65. As he approached my wife, he deflected her head, stood on the couch and started fucking Nastia's mouth. I could perfectly see his balls hitting her chin and saliva dripping from them. My beloved's mouth was going round and round from his balls hitting her lips furiously. After fucking her for about two minutes, he jumped off and sat down on the chair. -It was Denis Lebedevsky When he took out his cock and put it in my wife's mouth, I thought I was going to vomit! He was all blue, with huge veins on his balls, all wrinkled and old! I could see those balls rippling from fucking into my wife's beautiful mouth and hitting her bottom lip. After sucking for about five minutes, Nastya said: -This is the most delicious and beautiful cock, I'm sure, it's probably Sergei Matafonov's dick. Then Sergei Matafonov comes out of the queue and shouts: -And no, untie this whore's eyes! When Nastya's eyes were untied and she saw what cock was in front of her and who was its owner, her expression changed sharply and became pathetic. -Nikolai Petrovich, where did you come from?! Nikolai Petrovich! This nasty old man is a history teacher at school, my wife told me about him. She said that this old man is the most disgusting of all people in the world, that he doesn't wash for 3 months. And so she took his dirty cock in her mouth, smacked it and said it was the most delicious! -Anastasia Sergeyevna, I'm the only teacher in our school who hasn't fucked you in the mouth. The whole school knows what a whore you are. The guys of the whole school told me how you sucked ten-graders at the preparatory courses, how you were fucked by duplets and eleventh-graders in turn under the service stairs. And how you took turns in the teacher's lavatory sucking the OBGYN and the labour specialist, do you need a reminder? And they were even older than me. So how am I any worse? -I've told you 100 times I won't suck your cock! -And yet you just licked my cock clean and said it was the most delicious! -Nikolai Petrovich! -Nikolai Petrovich, stay with us, Anastasia Sergeyevna didn't guess whose cock she had in her mouth, now we'll punish her! With these words one of the guys, the fattest one, took my wife by the hair and dragged her to the centre of the hall. I wanted to smash his fucking face, but I couldn't interrupt the action, since I hadn't prevented it beforehand.... -You are now Nipple 11-A, and from now on we will call you that. Crawl over to the couch and lick our arse, all of you! The guys immediately got on the couch, put their legs up and waited. I thought I was gonna puke right away. Nikolai Petrovich settled down among the boys. Nastya timidly crawled up to the first of the guys, took his buttocks with her hands, spread them apart and started licking his hole. While she was doing this, everyone around her laughed and called her a whore of the last and a put-down slut. I couldn't look at that so I turned away. I didn't look into the room for about 7 minutes, however after that period of time everyone started laughing loudly. I turned around and started looking to see why they were laughing. It turns out that Nastya had already crawled up Nikolai Petrovich's arse and was refusing to lick. But Nikolai Petrovich, not thinking long, took my wife by the head and forcefully leaned her against his stinking hairy anal! And then I threw up, vomited for about 2 minutes, without a break, and at that time the anilingus was over and Nastya was already licking everyone's balls in turn. Having licked everyone's balls clean, my wife sat down in the middle of the room and waited for her and then it started! They fucked her in the throat one by one, driving the cock up to the balls, her red swollen face I could clearly see. The balls were touching her nose, and Nikolai Petrovich's balls, sagging like a sharpei's, were touching even her eyes! After fucking my wife in this position for about 30 minutes, the guys put her on Ruslan Emirov, and he started to fuck her in her pussy. A fat guy stood on top of her and started shoving his small cock in her mouth. How horrible it looked! My wife, a slim, beautiful brunette in the prime of her life, being fucked in the mouth by some fat, pimply teenager!<br>After fucking her in this position for a while, the fat one started filling my favourite cum into her mouth! After swallowing it all, my [ bitch] shouted: -Next! -Now you, our cool mum, you'll be in trouble! With these words the bespectacled man jumped on the sofa and with a swing put his cock into Nastya's big mouth. How hard he rammed it into her mouth! She was panting, wriggling, asking him to stop, but the bespectacled man didn't listen to her. After fucking her for about 5 minutes, he started cumming on her face, hitting Nastya in the eye. Having licked everything clean, Nastya shouted: -Nikolai Petrovich, put it in my mouth, I want to suck your old cock and lick your sagging balls! -Des, jump on this [ bitch] and let's fuck her in the pussy together, because I don't feel high at all, this mare has a big pussy. And in this position, by helicopter, my wife was fucked for about 30 minutes, two cocks in her cunt, and Nikolai Petrovich's cock in her mouth. -Zhenek, put a cock in our favourite Anastasia Sergeyevna's ass! In the arse! Nastya never let me penetrate her anal, she was always afraid it would hurt and generally considered it immoral. -No, boys, you know my arse is not developed! -No, boys! -We will! Having said this phrase, Gianni pushed his big cock into her anus. When he reached her balls, he began to fuck her hole with the speed of an aeroplane. Nastya screamed like a slit, but soon got used to it and even began to wiggle him. Now imagine this picture: I stand on the balcony and watch two teenagers have my young wife in the cunt, one in the arse, and meanwhile she sucks an old man..... And this despite the fact that they were all standing in unnatural positions because Nastya was too big. Everything else was a blur. The next 2 hours I watched like a robot: poses were changing, cocks were violently cumming in her arse, cunt. Her mouth became so big and red from the cocks that it was impossible to recognise it. She was fucked by a helicopter, and sat with her arse on her face, fucked in her mouth, and two of them sucked in her cunt, in short, had as they wanted. But what happened at the end, I was shocked and completely killed: having pissed my wife from head to toe, having fucked her in all her slits, the guys apparently decided that it was not enough. -Rusik, get a cup! -Rusik, get a cup! Ruslan ran to the kitchen and brought a huge transparent cup and gave it to my wife. -Anastasia Sergeyevna, we want you to remember us forever, our graduation, 11A 2015! With these words, long Denis came over and started fucking Nastia in the mouth, and Sasha went to the cup that was in her hands and started (oh gods!) pissing in it. After pissing, he pulled Denis away and gave it to my beloved's mouth. After a hard blowjob, Sasha started cumming into the same cup! I couldn't believe my eyes! Was she really going to drink that? The fat guy came next and poured into the cup, the pattern of fucking in the mouth and cumming in the cup was repeated. And so all eight teenagers filled the cup. Nikolai Petrovich was left. Putting the cup on the table, Nastya crawled up to him and began sucking furiously on his fallen wrinkled cock. After sucking it, she went lower, to his hanging balls, and dug her lips into them. After licking his balls, she went even lower and started licking the old man's arse! I couldn't watch this anymore, so I turned round. I turned round ten minutes later when I heard the teenagers screaming. Nastia took the bowl of piss and cum, I saw her raise it above her head and her throat started making swallowing motions and the guys were videoing and applauding! And then I threw up again! I had never thrown up for so long. I just couldn't believe that my beautiful wife had just been unceremoniously fucked all over and forced to drink piss mixed with cum! When I came to my senses and turned round, I saw the empty bowl on the floor and my wife's holes stretched to an incredible size. There was cum oozing out of her arsehole, and her fucked up cunt too, but it was of a yellowish hue. I guessed that my wife's cunt had not only been cummed in, but also pissed in! Nastya stood prone and sucked the teenagers round and round again. Nikolai Petrovich joined her from behind and entered her arse. I did not want to watch this action, so I jumped off the balcony and went to my car ... P. S. Continuation follows. The story is true, all names have been changed for the purpose of conspiracy. If you have any questions, please contact us by mail

Aktuelle Version vom 11. September 2024, 05:04 Uhr

Fucking my wife by underage boys
Good afternoon, dear readers! I want to share with you a story that happened to me and my wife. To give you an idea about us, I will describe in detail who we are and what we do. My name is Ruslan, I am 30 years old, athletic build, I work in the FSO, my salary is quite big, my wife and I do not deny ourselves anything. My wife's name is Anastasia, she is 25 years old, a slender blonde with breasts of size 3, taller than me by a good 15 cm (her height is 190, mine is 175). To be honest, this fact complicates our sex life a little bit, because it's uncomfortable to have her in cancer, because she is taller, and also she has a rather wide vagina because of the size. My penis is of normal size-18 cm, but compared to her pussy it is small, so we both do not get a proper high. Nastya works in a school, this year, 2015, she was graduating 11th grade, and this is what we will talk about next. 25 May. On this long-awaited day my Nastya's class celebrated the graduation party, and the next day, according to tradition, the class went on holiday separately from parents to the river. I will not describe the events of the first day, as I was not at the graduation party and, as a rule, nothing unusual happens on this day: Everyone has fun, gets drunk and in the morning throws up in the toilet. It should be noted that my Nastya was also present at the graduation party, but she came home not drunk and in good spirits. The next morning, wearing a short skirt above the knees, a blouse, ballet flats, my wife got ready for the river. -Honey, shouldn't the class celebrate the second day separately from parents and Трахаться teachers? -Must, darling, but it's the second day. -Should, darling, but you know those kids, they get drunk, go swimming and drown. I'll sit next to them and keep an eye on them, just in case. I will add that in our family no one has ever cheated on anyone, I can vouch for that, so in this respect I am calm. However, on this day my wife so much make-up, that in my head involuntarily crept into my head thoughts of cheating, but I quickly put these vile thoughts out of my head. In general, after seeing my wife to the car, and she has a BMW X5, I returned home, because today I had a day off. After a little sitting with a can of beer at the TV, I decided to go to the river to my wife, to refresh myself on this hot day would not hurt me. When I arrived at the base, I was surprised to see that neither my wife nor my children were there. That was the first alarm bell for me. On the river I only met 4 girls from my wife's class, they told me that she had just left with the guys from the class to go home to one of them to get a barbecue and skewers, they were going to grill kebabs. Having calmed down a little and learnt the address of this student, I decided to go there, as there was nothing to do, and the help of a grown-up man would not hurt the children. Mayakovskogo 24, flat 3. My wife's BMW is outside the entrance. I'm standing on the doorstep, knocking. No one opens the door, although I hear that there is noise in the house. I knocked on the door for about 5 minutes, but it was no use. At that moment I became really worried for my Nastya. Deciding to find out everything, I climb on the balcony of the 1st floor Raising my head, I see this picture: my wife is sitting on the sofa, and around her sit wherever 8 students. Next to them she seems just huge, her legs are almost longer than the height of these guys. I can clearly hear the conversation: -"Anastasia Sergeyevna, let's play a game with you. -What is it, boys? I look at her and I see lust in her eyes. I notice that both her hands are on the fly of two students sitting next to her. I start to think: What the fuck? -The rules are very simple: now we blindfold you, take out our cocks and fuck you in the mouth one by one. And you will have to guess whose cock is in your mouth. Otherwise you will be punished. And without waiting for my wife to answer, one of the guys, the tallest and skinniest, blindfolded her from behind, and the rest of them, as if on cue, poured their dicks out of their underwear. To say I was fucked is an understatement. My first instinct was to run into the flat and smash those arrogant bastards in the fuckin' face. But I decided to watch my wife's reaction. One of the guys, the biggest and the shortest, came right up to the level of my wife's face and rubbed his cock on her lips. Without a second thought, she opened her mouth and swallowed the cock up to her balls. My soul was torn to pieces, I was ready to tear anyone in the world, but for some reason I did not interfere in the action and watched. After sucking for a minute, my wife said: -This is Ruslan Emirov's cock. -Well done, Anastasia Sergeyevna, but it was an easy level, because Ruslan has already banged you in the mouth more than once and more than twice. Not once and not twice! Thousands of thoughts went through my head? When? Where and why didn't I know about this??? Ruslan was followed by a queue. The second was some bespectacled guy with a huge cock.
He came over and fucked my wife in the mouth like I had never fucked her, not even in the pussy. He was literally putting her mouth on his cock, his balls slapping against my wife's chin. And the best part was that this monster fit in her mouth all the way down to her balls! He was about 25cm maybe, I've never seen dicks that long. Then I remember how my wife sucked my cock, or rather licked the head and said that she couldn't go deeper, she wanted to vomit. And here some nerd is forcing my wife to suck my cock to the balls, mercilessly banging her throat. -That's Sasha Borisov's cock. -And this is an easy level, because Sasha has the longest and your big mouth, Anastasia Sergeyevna, knows it firsthand. And this one was fucking her in the mouth! I thought I was going to faint! Third in the queue was a long and thin guy. At 195cm tall, he weighed no more than 65. As he approached my wife, he deflected her head, stood on the couch and started fucking Nastia's mouth. I could perfectly see his balls hitting her chin and saliva dripping from them. My beloved's mouth was going round and round from his balls hitting her lips furiously. After fucking her for about two minutes, he jumped off and sat down on the chair. -It was Denis Lebedevsky When he took out his cock and put it in my wife's mouth, I thought I was going to vomit! He was all blue, with huge veins on his balls, all wrinkled and old! I could see those balls rippling from fucking into my wife's beautiful mouth and hitting her bottom lip. After sucking for about five minutes, Nastya said: -This is the most delicious and beautiful cock, I'm sure, it's probably Sergei Matafonov's dick. Then Sergei Matafonov comes out of the queue and shouts: -And no, untie this whore's eyes! When Nastya's eyes were untied and she saw what cock was in front of her and who was its owner, her expression changed sharply and became pathetic. -Nikolai Petrovich, where did you come from?! Nikolai Petrovich! This nasty old man is a history teacher at school, my wife told me about him. She said that this old man is the most disgusting of all people in the world, that he doesn't wash for 3 months. And so she took his dirty cock in her mouth, smacked it and said it was the most delicious! -Anastasia Sergeyevna, I'm the only teacher in our school who hasn't fucked you in the mouth. The whole school knows what a whore you are. The guys of the whole school told me how you sucked ten-graders at the preparatory courses, how you were fucked by duplets and eleventh-graders in turn under the service stairs. And how you took turns in the teacher's lavatory sucking the OBGYN and the labour specialist, do you need a reminder? And they were even older than me. So how am I any worse? -I've told you 100 times I won't suck your cock! -And yet you just licked my cock clean and said it was the most delicious! -Nikolai Petrovich! -Nikolai Petrovich, stay with us, Anastasia Sergeyevna didn't guess whose cock she had in her mouth, now we'll punish her! With these words one of the guys, the fattest one, took my wife by the hair and dragged her to the centre of the hall. I wanted to smash his fucking face, but I couldn't interrupt the action, since I hadn't prevented it beforehand.... -You are now Nipple 11-A, and from now on we will call you that. Crawl over to the couch and lick our arse, all of you! The guys immediately got on the couch, put their legs up and waited. I thought I was gonna puke right away. Nikolai Petrovich settled down among the boys. Nastya timidly crawled up to the first of the guys, took his buttocks with her hands, spread them apart and started licking his hole. While she was doing this, everyone around her laughed and called her a whore of the last and a put-down slut. I couldn't look at that so I turned away. I didn't look into the room for about 7 minutes, however after that period of time everyone started laughing loudly. I turned around and started looking to see why they were laughing. It turns out that Nastya had already crawled up Nikolai Petrovich's arse and was refusing to lick. But Nikolai Petrovich, not thinking long, took my wife by the head and forcefully leaned her against his stinking hairy anal! And then I threw up, vomited for about 2 minutes, without a break, and at that time the anilingus was over and Nastya was already licking everyone's balls in turn. Having licked everyone's balls clean, my wife sat down in the middle of the room and waited for her and then it started! They fucked her in the throat one by one, driving the cock up to the balls, her red swollen face I could clearly see. The balls were touching her nose, and Nikolai Petrovich's balls, sagging like a sharpei's, were touching even her eyes! After fucking my wife in this position for about 30 minutes, the guys put her on Ruslan Emirov, and he started to fuck her in her pussy. A fat guy stood on top of her and started shoving his small cock in her mouth. How horrible it looked! My wife, a slim, beautiful brunette in the prime of her life, being fucked in the mouth by some fat, pimply teenager!
After fucking her in this position for a while, the fat one started filling my favourite cum into her mouth! After swallowing it all, my bitch shouted: -Next! -Now you, our cool mum, you'll be in trouble! With these words the bespectacled man jumped on the sofa and with a swing put his cock into Nastya's big mouth. How hard he rammed it into her mouth! She was panting, wriggling, asking him to stop, but the bespectacled man didn't listen to her. After fucking her for about 5 minutes, he started cumming on her face, hitting Nastya in the eye. Having licked everything clean, Nastya shouted: -Nikolai Petrovich, put it in my mouth, I want to suck your old cock and lick your sagging balls! -Des, jump on this bitch and let's fuck her in the pussy together, because I don't feel high at all, this mare has a big pussy. And in this position, by helicopter, my wife was fucked for about 30 minutes, two cocks in her cunt, and Nikolai Petrovich's cock in her mouth. -Zhenek, put a cock in our favourite Anastasia Sergeyevna's ass! In the arse! Nastya never let me penetrate her anal, she was always afraid it would hurt and generally considered it immoral. -No, boys, you know my arse is not developed! -No, boys! -We will! Having said this phrase, Gianni pushed his big cock into her anus. When he reached her balls, he began to fuck her hole with the speed of an aeroplane. Nastya screamed like a slit, but soon got used to it and even began to wiggle him. Now imagine this picture: I stand on the balcony and watch two teenagers have my young wife in the cunt, one in the arse, and meanwhile she sucks an old man..... And this despite the fact that they were all standing in unnatural positions because Nastya was too big. Everything else was a blur. The next 2 hours I watched like a robot: poses were changing, cocks were violently cumming in her arse, cunt. Her mouth became so big and red from the cocks that it was impossible to recognise it. She was fucked by a helicopter, and sat with her arse on her face, fucked in her mouth, and two of them sucked in her cunt, in short, had as they wanted. But what happened at the end, I was shocked and completely killed: having pissed my wife from head to toe, having fucked her in all her slits, the guys apparently decided that it was not enough. -Rusik, get a cup! -Rusik, get a cup! Ruslan ran to the kitchen and brought a huge transparent cup and gave it to my wife. -Anastasia Sergeyevna, we want you to remember us forever, our graduation, 11A 2015! With these words, long Denis came over and started fucking Nastia in the mouth, and Sasha went to the cup that was in her hands and started (oh gods!) pissing in it. After pissing, he pulled Denis away and gave it to my beloved's mouth. After a hard blowjob, Sasha started cumming into the same cup! I couldn't believe my eyes! Was she really going to drink that? The fat guy came next and poured into the cup, the pattern of fucking in the mouth and cumming in the cup was repeated. And so all eight teenagers filled the cup. Nikolai Petrovich was left. Putting the cup on the table, Nastya crawled up to him and began sucking furiously on his fallen wrinkled cock. After sucking it, she went lower, to his hanging balls, and dug her lips into them. After licking his balls, she went even lower and started licking the old man's arse! I couldn't watch this anymore, so I turned round. I turned round ten minutes later when I heard the teenagers screaming. Nastia took the bowl of piss and cum, I saw her raise it above her head and her throat started making swallowing motions and the guys were videoing and applauding! And then I threw up again! I had never thrown up for so long. I just couldn't believe that my beautiful wife had just been unceremoniously fucked all over and forced to drink piss mixed with cum! When I came to my senses and turned round, I saw the empty bowl on the floor and my wife's holes stretched to an incredible size. There was cum oozing out of her arsehole, and her fucked up cunt too, but it was of a yellowish hue. I guessed that my wife's cunt had not only been cummed in, but also pissed in! Nastya stood prone and sucked the teenagers round and round again. Nikolai Petrovich joined her from behind and entered her arse. I did not want to watch this action, so I jumped off the balcony and went to my car ... P. S. Continuation follows. The story is true, all names have been changed for the purpose of conspiracy. If you have any questions, please contact us by mail