| Fuck<br>At the meeting, the management put the whole of our advertising department on the backfoot and, with a small run, soundly kicked everyone on a two-week holiday - summer, hot, ventilation can't cope.... They didn't give me holidays, so I couldn't get anything five-star, my only hope was Crimea, and that was if Timur was ready to invest in me. When I asked him if he was ready, [https://www.chesno.org/politician/49059/ Kazirodztwo] he smiled unkindly and said that he was already investing himself between my bunions every night, and the wet sheet under me was evidence of the effectiveness of the investment. - Aha, I have to sponsor you to spin your whore's arse in Simeiz in front of men on the beach; you should go to the bathhouse, my friend. Fucking jealous! And I almost never gave him a reason, except with Pashka, but Pashka had such a machine that it would be unforgivable not to seduce him - oh, my arse was still whimpering sweetly for a few days, even at work a couple of times, giving in to the memories, I ran away to jerk off in the toilet, including on my mobile phone secretly filmed video - my perfect arse accepting his perfect dick.... When he was about to cum, I thought he would blow me up from inside with his white fountain - inflate me with his cum like a frog is inflated through a straw.... So, the bathhouse. well, why not? My grandmother hasn't seen me for six years - Moscow knows how to twist things in such a way that I don't need to see my parents.... And in the village - this very bathhouse, steamy milk, testicles, hoo... but that's not what I'm talking about. - I'll go to Big Kukushki, then. My grandmother will be happy. - Then go. You won't be able to twist your arse there, except in front of the local drunkards or when a bear breaks you in the woods. Timur is actually cool, but like all swarthy men, jealous as a baboon. However, when every night you have a guaranteed anal orgasm, you can be patient, right? Let the countryside and backwoods - and I did a fashionable hairdo with shaved zigzags on my temples anyway - it is necessary to keep the brand of a stylish metropolitan doltus, and let everyone jerk off while I will be in tight jeans, slightly (not provocatively, but who can appreciate - will understand) wiggling my smooth arse to march from the railway station to my grandmother's house, past the club, past the village shop, past the boys in Chinese sports trousers.... Not much has changed, has it? Except that foreign cars have appeared somewhere (how do they drive on these bumps, pontsutniks?), and the grandmother has quite a bit more grey hair. "Andryusha, you've grown up, you should look for a good bride!" Eh, [https://www.chesno.org/politician/49059/ Orgie] if she knew that in my back under my jeans - a bride-to-be, and how many wedding photos she has in a special album "Only for the chosen ones...". - You can't even find a good bathhouse in Moscow! And under the shower - what is washing, Andrew? Just to wash off the dirt, neither health nor joy! I asked Sashka to make the fire hotter for you on purpose; so what if it's Monday, my grandson is coming, you'll heat it up like a sweetheart, and broom him, broom him, broom him, to knock out all the city's rubbish, because he's forgotten his dear grandmother! Do you remember Sashka? Sashka was my third cousin, a white-haired, wiry son of the local tractor driver, Uncle Lyova. I remember, at the age of fourteen, he got me so drunk on liquor stolen from my father that the whole next day I couldn't vomit.... I wish I recognised him now, the bastard! I do. Though if I'd met him in town, in a different environment, I wouldn't have recognised him; maybe I'd have held his gaze for a few seconds: he was a handsome man, with a face as unscrupulous as I liked; not so handsome, but "something" - lips in a perpetual grin, sunburnt curls on his tanned forehead, not a jock, but so.... "of the hound breed," as one of my ex-fuckers used to say. - Well, hello, Dronchik! - Sanya put his arm around me, patting me on the back so that I could feel what a man he was, - It's been a long time, bro, you've become a city man, how do you say it, a hipstar? - Sanya laughed, his teeth were white, his fangs were crooked, one of them was a third broken off - a collective farm bull had hit him with a horn, - wow, what details suddenly came to mind, I never would have thought.... Smells of smoke, booze and surprisingly decent perfume. - Hi, Sanek. Are you the first guy in Kokushki now? Perfumed like a gentleman! - I say in his tone, feeling that instead of a childhood friend I begin to perceive him as an interesting, albeit simple man. - Well, the first is not the first, but girls sometimes invite me to visit, - Sanja chuckled, slapping my lower back for some reason, - but in our country, Dronchik, it's not hard to be a beau, if you don't drink too much and your hands don't grow out of your arse.<br>Kostet got poisoned by bad booze, Grey got two years in jail for fighting, so all the women are mine anyway, even if I had a dick as big as an acorn.... What about you? You're not thinking of getting married? Because Sergeevna has found you a bride, she's a nice girl, she's got great [https://www.chesno.org/politician/49059/ tits], I gave her a squeeze once after a club... - Sanya was dreaming, - Anyway, if you think about it, I'll help you get to her. There in Moscow all the whores probably don't know what they want, and Lerka won't go out, except that I'll come in as a brother sometimes..." winked Sanya. - Sanya winked, clearly in a good mood. - You like to talk about women, - I looked into his shameless eyes, patting and groping in return. - And what to do here in the evenings, we don't have a lunapark, Dronchik! Let's go to the bathhouse, I've got everything in order there, and you can check out my creativity! The bathhouse stood a little apart, behind my grandmother's house, behind San's family's house; all of them had built it together once, so that on Saturdays the whole family could steam there. And I had a third of the village in Kokushki; I thought with a slight horror that I would have to go round everyone, and everywhere they would pour their unique (potato, beetroot, apple) moonshine into me and ask me what was going on with Putin and Kabaeva. Sanya was pacing, looking at me contentedly, and seemingly anticipating something. When I came closer to the bathhouse, I understood the reason for his smug mystery. The bathhouse had a porch, dahlias were planted in front of the porch, five metres of the path in front of the entrance were paved with smooth white stones, and - the most shocking thing - a board with crooked, unsuccessfully pretending to be beautiful letters was pinned above the door. "E-Banya." I fucked up a little. Sanya glowered, apparently mistaking my surprise for mute delight. - Come on, sneak in, it's the coolest thing inside," my brother pushed me under my arse. In the enlarged anteroom, apart from two neatly cleaned bunks, there was a table, on which - fuck Madrid! - two shabby laptops. Between them stood a cut glass with plastic daisies. Did he cut the flowers from the cemetery? - I thought. - I thought long and hard about what to call it, Dronchik. "Virtual Bath" - it turns out that it's not real, right? And what is it not real, if I'm so stoked that the girls will not sit for more than three minutes without a break? "Internet lounge with a steam room" is long. "E-bath" is short and to the point, like an e-mail. Sanya nodded at the corner under the ceiling, where a red light was blinking between bouquets of St John's wort and brooms, "And you probably thought that we were suckers here? No, brother, progress - you can't stop it! - Sanek," I asked, feeling my eyebrows rise to the top of my forehead and stick there, "who's coming here to chat? Matveyitch or Aunt Zina? - You think they're suckers! - Sanka sat down on the bench, pulling on his worn sneakers. - We have hunting here, don't you know? Every week hunters come here... They shoot so much that the boars only increase, but they like to have a good rest, with vodka. And in general, we need movement, otherwise you'll get mossy here... Let's drink to the meeting! The vodka was, of course, not just vodka, but infused vodka - rowanberries, sea buckthorn and some herbs I hadn't recognised. ....
| | 얼마나 많은 사람들이 당신을 게이라고 생각하는지 안다면 그렇게 농담하지 않을 것입니다.<br>대마초를 피워본 적이 있나요? 그것은 모든 사람에게 다르게 영향을 미치고, [https://www.chesno.org/politician/49059/ Schwester] 누군가는 "하하"효과를 얻고, [https://www.chesno.org/politician/49059/ милф] 누군가는 무언가에 대해 생각하기 시작하고 무언가에 대해 정말 흥분하고, 누군가는 단지 취해서 문제에서 벗어나고, 누군가는 아마도 그 위에 앉아 관절이없는 그의 하루를 상상할 수 없을 것입니다. 각자의 취향이겠죠. 제 친구와 저는 약쟁이는 아니지만 때때로 담배를 피우는 것을 좋아합니다. 오히려 제 친구는 그것을 좋아하고 저는 회사를 좋아합니다. 그는 항상 혼자 담배를 피우는 것은 지루하다고 말하며 내가 거절하면 나를 때릴 것입니다. 그리고 그의 얼굴에이 말이 끝나면 항상 미소가 나타나고 그의 손은 이미 필요한 재료로 담배를 채우고 있습니다. 솔직히 말해서 나는 그의 미소를 거의 거부 할 수 없었습니다. 그가 웃으면 뱃속의 무언가가 움켜쥐는 것 같고 저는 ... 무슨 일이든 기꺼이 따라가게 되죠. 그는 분명히 그것을 모르거나 짐작할 수는 있지만 확실히 알지 못합니다. 저는 그의 차도 정말 좋아해요. 이렇게 다정한 미소와 차를 가진 절친이 있다는 건 궁극의 꿈이 실현된 거죠. 저희 관계를 조금 더 자세히 들여다보면 학년이 다르긴 했지만 초등학교 때부터 친구로 지냈어요. 그는 저보다 한 살 많지만 학교에서도 쉬는 시간에 함께 어울리는 것을 막지는 못했습니다. 함께 자랐고, [https://www.chesno.org/politician/49059/ Сестра] 처음으로 맥주를 마셔보기도 하고, 학교 밖으로 나가 함께 담배를 피우기도 했죠. 우리 우정에 대한 인식의 전환점이 된 순간이 있었던 것으로 기억합니다. 다소 과장된 표현이긴 하지만, 우리는 종종 없는 곳에서 의미를 발견하곤 하죠. 어쨌든요. 어쨌든 우리는 그와 함께 길을 걷고 있었고, 여가 시간에 길거리를 배회하는 평범한 십대들처럼 서성이고 있었는데 같은 반 여학생 몇 명이 우리 쪽으로 걸어오고 있었습니다. 이름은 몰랐지만 마크가 그들과 이야기를 나누는 모습은 자주 보았어요. 그 중 한 여자애는 우리가 어디든 함께 다니는 다정한 커플 같다며 결혼하자고 소리쳤어요. 저는 그 친구를 흔쾌히 안아주며 곧 결혼할 수 있을 거라고 덧붙였습니다. 웃는 소녀들과 헤어질 때 그가 저에게 한 말을 잊지 못할 거예요. "얼마나 많은 사람들이 당신을 게이라고 생각하는지 알았다면 그런 농담은 하지 않았을 거예요. 그 말이 정말 마음에 와 닿아서 제 자신을 파헤치기 시작했고, 파헤치다 보면 끔찍한 것을 발견할 수밖에 없죠. 그냥 일어나서 "그래, 나는 게이야"라고 말할 수는 없죠. 먼저 이 모든 감정, 생각, 초기 욕망의 메아리를 이해해야 하고, 그다음에는 당황해야 합니다. 그래서 바로 그 말을 듣고 나서 제가 진짜 누구인지 생각하기 시작했습니다. 그리고 더 많이 생각할수록 제가 마크를 친구 이상으로 좋아한다는 사실을 깨달았어요. 그러다 상황이 더 나빠졌어요. 마크는 여자 친구를 사귀기 시작했고, 우리는 함께 외출하는 횟수가 줄어들었고, 저는 마크에게 자주 전화할 이유를 찾지 못했어요. 시간이 지날수록 우리는 더 자주 만나기 시작했고, 제 '어른스러운' 몸과 마음은 어떻게든 친구를 기쁘게 해 주려고 노력하기 시작했어요. 마크는 도로에서 떨어진 마당에 차를 주차하고 즉시 담배를 꺼내 창문 너머로 담배를 모두 털어 내고 계획이있는 봉지를 꺼내 빈 담배에 봉지의 내용물을 조심스럽게 채우고 끝을 비틀고 혀로 종이를 충분히 적셔서 관절이 너무 빨리 타지 않도록했습니다. 마크가 혀를 사용하는 것을 보는 것은 특히 즐거웠고, 그의 입술과 입, 그리고 혀는 내 영혼을 따뜻하게하고 내 위장을 특별한 방식으로 반응하게 만드는 일종의 소소한 일이었습니다. 마크가 담배를 건네며 뚜껑을 다시 닫을 때까지 타는 플립업 캡이 달린 멋진 라이터를 꺼냈고, 바로 그 순간 차 안이 환한 불꽃으로 불타오르기 시작했습니다. 저는 담배를 입술에 대고 불을 붙이려고 손을 뻗었습니다. 대마초를 피우는 방법은 너무 많아서 일일이 설명하려면 시간이 많이 걸리니 제가 특히 좋아했던 방법 하나에 집중해 보겠습니다. 바로 "베이핑"입니다. 한 사람이 마리화나를 입에 물고 타는 쪽을 안쪽으로 향하게 한 다음 입술로 필터를 막고 연기를 상대방의 입 속으로 내뿜으면, 그 순간 입술에 최대한 가까이 다가가는 방식입니다. 마치 만지지 않고 키스하는 것과 비슷합니다. 아시다시피이 방법은 저에게 특별하며 Mark가 연기를 입으로 내뿜을 때마다 그의 행동을 제어하는 것처럼 그의 어깨에 손을 부드럽게 얹어 "연기"가 낭비되지 않도록합니다. 첫 번째 퍼프를 피우면서 저는 친구에게 담배를 건네주었습니다. 마크는 제 모범을 따라 한 모금 들이마시고 몇 초 후 저에게 다가와 담배를 뒤집으며 "가져가라"고 제안했습니다. |