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彼のうめき声は、隣の通りにも聞こえていた<br>こんにちは。私の名前はニコライ、32歳です。妻は2人の子供と一緒に交通事故で亡くなりました。妻が亡くなってから、私には生きる糧がなくなりました。妻のクリスティーナは一家の大黒柱だった。私は仕事を探さなければならなかった。今はスーパーマーケットで警備員として働いている。最後にセックスしたのは1年前で、それ以外はずっと自慰をしていたし、今もしている。運動神経がいいとは言えないが、立方体と美しい筋肉質の腕は自慢できる。妻には兄弟がいた。名前はエゴール。いつもコンピューターをいじってプログラミングをしていた。生まれたときに父親に捨てられ、母親に育てられた。エゴールは人見知りが激しいので、家で勉強しようとする。私には理解できないが、彼には何かがある......。彼の緋色の柔らかい唇、一度でも匂いを嗅ごうとすれば七転八倒してしまうような美しくおとなしい絹のような髪、彼のミントのようなシャンプーの匂い。力強い手、柔らかな声。一見したところ、そのすべてがこの男には収まりきらなかった。彼の素晴らしい体格と、とてもソフトな女性のキャラクターは、一緒にやっていくことはできなかった。私のアパートは数日間貸し出されるが、私はエゴールの母親の家に住みたい。私の出勤は3時からなので、出勤前の支度には十分な時間がある。---- 14:37 「すぐに来るなよ、遅れるから。- じゃあ、お父さん エゴールには父親が必要だった。石鹸のような男、お手本が必要だったのだ。いつの間にか、彼は私のことをパパと呼ぶようになった。私もそれに慣れた。家を出ると、しばらくタバコを吸い、改札口に向かった。ゆっくりと彼の部屋の窓に近づくと、私はしびれを切らした。エゴールは、シャワー室でどうにか撮った私のヌード写真でゆっくりとオナニーをしていた。この子は、小さくないサイズのバディをゆっくりと上下させていた。窓は開け放たれ、ヘッドホンをつけてポルノを聴きながら座っていた。彼の甘く大きなうめき声は、隣の通りにも聞こえているようだった。仲間が立ち上がり始めた。私は自分の頬を叩きながら、そのことを忘れようとし、むしろ仕事に向かった。----  [ Mädchen] 00:17 落ち着くことなどできなかった。私の中には怒りと情熱が入り混じっていた。私は以前から、一緒に水浴びをしたり、川岸で抱き合ったりしたときの彼の海水パンツ姿の大きなコブと、食欲をそそる白いお尻に惹かれていた。- 彼にはお仕置きが必要だ。男の意地を見せてやろう。そう思いながら、閉店間際のスーパーマーケットを出て、21号線を家路についた。---- 00:58 だいたいは大した距離ではない。停留所はほとんど家の隣だ。ゆっくりと改札口を開け、私は身を潜め、彼の家の窓に向かって歩き始めた。準備は万端だった。ゆっくりとドアを開け、靴を脱いでベルトを取り、ゆっくりと彼の部屋に向かって歩き始めた。私の仲間は、私の白いニッカーズを破いて破裂させ、エゴールに甘い香りの精液を浴びせる準備をしていた。-  [ Большой] まあ、まあ、まあ、まあ。- パ ノックしろって言っただろ - ノック?何やってるんだ!懲らしめてやる - パパ 待って 私が何をしたの?パパ、やめて 私はパパの首根っこを掴んで、そっと部屋の中に連れて行った。- ここにいろ」私は巣のドアを閉めながら言った。私は電気をつけ、タンクトップを脱いで彼の前のベッドに座った。- どう説明するんだ?- 父さん、私はただ興奮しただけだよ - 興奮した?私の写真を見て興奮したの?少年は顔を赤らめた。私が彼の自慰行為をずっと見ていたことを彼は疑い始めていたようで、それは私が本当に怒っていたからではなく、私たち二人がお互いにファックしたかったからだった。- 服を脱げ - 父さん、やめて」エゴールは小声で言い、少し泣き始めた。- 男は言った、男はやった。タンクトップをはぎ取り、彼の尻を叩いた。- 今度はショーツだ。- 父ちゃん、お願い、もうしないから。- 黙れ 小僧は震えながら赤いショーツを脱いだ。私の視線は彼のチンコのコブに注がれた。それはとても膨らんでいて、少しピクピクしていた。私は彼のショーツを鋭く引き下げ、フライのチャックを開け始めた。- パパ!」息子はすでに叫んでいた。私はそれを無視し、息子をそっと折り曲げた。息子は抵抗をやめた。私のペニスはズボンから激しく抜け落ち、精液の強い匂いがした。- どうぞ。- いいよ、お父さん 彼はゆっくりと小さな口を開け、苦労しながら私のペニスを入れた。私たちはエゴールと一緒に呻いた。優しく素晴らしいフェラチオの後、彼は私の膝の上に横たわった。彼は自分から主導権を握ろうとし始めた。- 雌犬のように私を叩いて。<br>正直、彼がそんなことを言うとは思っていなかったが、私はやり始めた。彼の手から始まり、彼の緋色の尻に薄紫の痕を残した私の太い軍手ベルトで終わり、私は彼を持ち上げ、私の杭の上に乗せた。この至福の時間は数分続いたが、突然隣人がドアをノックした。私はズボンをはき、彼女のところへ駆け寄った。戻ってみると、イーゴルが床の上で精液を出していた。私は彼のあそこに屈み、彼の精液を指に塗り、舐めさせた。- 床にはまだたくさん残っている。オナニーしてからどれくらい経った?食事の手を止め、深呼吸して彼は言った。- 一週間。この間、ヤッてくれたと思っていたよ  [ Søster] 彼は私のペニスを手に取り、自慰を始めた。- 私はエゴールに脅すような声で言った。- そうだよ、ニコライ。シャワーの中で彼は甘く笑い、恥ずかしげもなく私のペニスを口に含み、乳首を噛み、太ももを撫でた。私たち二人にとっては、まさにパラダイスだった。きれいになった私たちはベッドに入り、彼は私の胸にもたれかかった。- またファックしてくれる?- もちろんだよ。私は彼の顔をそっと引き離し、彼のペニスをしゃぶった。
His groaning could be heard in the neighbouring street<br>Good afternoon. My name is Nikolai and I am 32 years old. My wife died in a road accident together with my two children, so I live alone. After my wife died, I had nothing to live on. My wife Christina was the breadwinner in the family. I had to look for a job. At the moment I work as a security guard in a supermarket. The last sex I had was only a year ago, all the rest of the time I was jerking off, and I still do. I can't say that I have a very athletic body, but I can boast cubes and beautiful muscular arms. My wife had a brother. Not a bad kid, his name was Egor. He was always messing around on the computer and programming things. His father abandoned him when he was born, so his mother brought him up. Egor tries to study at home, as he is very shy of people. I'll never understand it, but there's something about him..... His scarlet soft lips, beautiful docile silky hair that can send you to the seventh heaven if you try to smell it once and smell his minty shampoo. Strong hands, soft voice. All of it at first glance couldn't fit in this guy. His great physique and very soft female character, could not get along together, but they tried to do it. While my flat is rented out for a few days, I prefer to live in Egor's mother's house. My working day starts at 3, so I have plenty of time to get ready before work. ---- 14:37 - Don't expect me soon, I'm late. - Okay, Dad. Egor needed a father. He needed a soapy man, a role model. Before he knew it, he started calling me his dad. I even got used to it. When I left the house, I smoked for a while and headed for the wicket. Slowly approaching the window of his room, I became numb. Egor was slowly masturbating to a nude picture of me that he had somehow managed to take in the shower. This kid, was slowly raising and lowering his not insignificant sized buddy. His window was open and he was sitting there with his headphones on, listening to porn. It seemed that his sweet and loud moans could be heard in the next street. My mate started to get up. Slapping myself on the cheek, I tried to forget it and rather went to work. ---- 00:17 There was no way I could calm myself down. I had a mixture of anger and passion. I had long been attracted to his big bump in his swimming trunks, when we bathed together and cuddled on the riverbank, and his appetising white arse. - He needs to be punished. Show him what a man does. With that thought in mind, I walked out of the closing supermarket and headed home on route 21. ---- 00:58 The ride is mostly not too far. The stop is almost next to the house. Slowly opening the wicket gate, I ducked down and started walking towards his window. I was ready for anything. Looking up, I saw this redheaded little boy sitting on a porn site Slowly opening the door and [ Секс] taking off my shoes, I took my belt and slowly started walking towards his room. My mate was ready to rip my white knickers and burst out, showering Egor with sweet-smelling cum. - Well, well, well, well. - Pa! I told you to knock! - Knock? Look at what you're doing! I'm gonna teach you a lesson! - Dad, wait, what did I do? Dad, don't! Taking him by the scruff of the neck, I gently began to carry him into the room. - "Stay here," I said as I closed the door [ Seks] to our nest. I switched on the light and, taking off my tank top, sat on the bed in front of him. - How do you explain this? - Pa, I just got excited. - He got aroused? You got turned on by my pictures, too? The boy blushed. I think he was beginning to suspect that I'd been watching him jerk off for a long time and it wasn't because I was really angry, but because we both wanted to fuck each other. - Take your clothes off. - 'Pa, don't,' Egor said in a whisper, starting to cry a little. - The man said, the man did. I ripped off my T-shirt and slapped his arse. - Now the shorts. - Pa, please, I won't do it again. - Shut up. The little boy, trembling, took off his red shorts. My gaze fell on his cock bump. It was very protruding and  [ Seks] jerking a little. I sharply pulled down his shorts and began to unzip his fly. - Pa," said my son, already shouting. I ignored him and gently bent him over. The boy stopped resisting. My cock fell out of my pants hard, smelling strongly of semen. - Go ahead. - Okay, father. He slowly opened his little mouth and with difficulty put my cock in it. We moaned together with Egor. After his gentle and wonderful blowjob, he lay down on my lap. He started to take the initiative himself, and I only supported it. - Spank me like a [ bitch].<br>I honestly didn't expect to hear him say that, but I started to do it. Starting with his hand and ending with my thick army belt, which left a few pale purple marks on his scarlet arse, I lifted him up and put him on my stake. All this bliss went on for a few minutes as suddenly, a neighbour knocked on our door. I put on my trousers and ran out to her. When I came back, I saw Yegor cumming on the floor. Bending over to his spot, I spread his cum on my finger and made him lick it off. - There's still plenty on the floor. How long has it been since you jerked off? Stopping his meal and taking a deep breath, he said. - A week. I assumed you'd fuck me the other day. Taking my cock in his hand, he started jerking it off and got a big load of the white stuff on his face. - Go wash up!, - I said to Egor in a threatening voice. - Yes, Nikolai. In the shower he giggled sweetly and unashamedly took my cock in his mouth, bit my nipples and stroked my thighs. It was a real paradise for the two of us. After we got cleaned up, we got into bed with him and he leaned on my chest. - Will you fuck me again?, - Egor said a little with sadness and despair. - Of course, sunshine. I gently pulled his face away and sucked his cock.

Version vom 22. September 2024, 14:25 Uhr

His groaning could be heard in the neighbouring street
Good afternoon. My name is Nikolai and I am 32 years old. My wife died in a road accident together with my two children, so I live alone. After my wife died, I had nothing to live on. My wife Christina was the breadwinner in the family. I had to look for a job. At the moment I work as a security guard in a supermarket. The last sex I had was only a year ago, all the rest of the time I was jerking off, and I still do. I can't say that I have a very athletic body, but I can boast cubes and beautiful muscular arms. My wife had a brother. Not a bad kid, his name was Egor. He was always messing around on the computer and programming things. His father abandoned him when he was born, so his mother brought him up. Egor tries to study at home, as he is very shy of people. I'll never understand it, but there's something about him..... His scarlet soft lips, beautiful docile silky hair that can send you to the seventh heaven if you try to smell it once and smell his minty shampoo. Strong hands, soft voice. All of it at first glance couldn't fit in this guy. His great physique and very soft female character, could not get along together, but they tried to do it. While my flat is rented out for a few days, I prefer to live in Egor's mother's house. My working day starts at 3, so I have plenty of time to get ready before work. ---- 14:37 - Don't expect me soon, I'm late. - Okay, Dad. Egor needed a father. He needed a soapy man, a role model. Before he knew it, he started calling me his dad. I even got used to it. When I left the house, I smoked for a while and headed for the wicket. Slowly approaching the window of his room, I became numb. Egor was slowly masturbating to a nude picture of me that he had somehow managed to take in the shower. This kid, was slowly raising and lowering his not insignificant sized buddy. His window was open and he was sitting there with his headphones on, listening to porn. It seemed that his sweet and loud moans could be heard in the next street. My mate started to get up. Slapping myself on the cheek, I tried to forget it and rather went to work. ---- 00:17 There was no way I could calm myself down. I had a mixture of anger and passion. I had long been attracted to his big bump in his swimming trunks, when we bathed together and cuddled on the riverbank, and his appetising white arse. - He needs to be punished. Show him what a man does. With that thought in mind, I walked out of the closing supermarket and headed home on route 21. ---- 00:58 The ride is mostly not too far. The stop is almost next to the house. Slowly opening the wicket gate, I ducked down and started walking towards his window. I was ready for anything. Looking up, I saw this redheaded little boy sitting on a porn site Slowly opening the door and Секс taking off my shoes, I took my belt and slowly started walking towards his room. My mate was ready to rip my white knickers and burst out, showering Egor with sweet-smelling cum. - Well, well, well, well. - Pa! I told you to knock! - Knock? Look at what you're doing! I'm gonna teach you a lesson! - Dad, wait, what did I do? Dad, don't! Taking him by the scruff of the neck, I gently began to carry him into the room. - "Stay here," I said as I closed the door Seks to our nest. I switched on the light and, taking off my tank top, sat on the bed in front of him. - How do you explain this? - Pa, I just got excited. - He got aroused? You got turned on by my pictures, too? The boy blushed. I think he was beginning to suspect that I'd been watching him jerk off for a long time and it wasn't because I was really angry, but because we both wanted to fuck each other. - Take your clothes off. - 'Pa, don't,' Egor said in a whisper, starting to cry a little. - The man said, the man did. I ripped off my T-shirt and slapped his arse. - Now the shorts. - Pa, please, I won't do it again. - Shut up. The little boy, trembling, took off his red shorts. My gaze fell on his cock bump. It was very protruding and Seks jerking a little. I sharply pulled down his shorts and began to unzip his fly. - Pa," said my son, already shouting. I ignored him and gently bent him over. The boy stopped resisting. My cock fell out of my pants hard, smelling strongly of semen. - Go ahead. - Okay, father. He slowly opened his little mouth and with difficulty put my cock in it. We moaned together with Egor. After his gentle and wonderful blowjob, he lay down on my lap. He started to take the initiative himself, and I only supported it. - Spank me like a bitch.
I honestly didn't expect to hear him say that, but I started to do it. Starting with his hand and ending with my thick army belt, which left a few pale purple marks on his scarlet arse, I lifted him up and put him on my stake. All this bliss went on for a few minutes as suddenly, a neighbour knocked on our door. I put on my trousers and ran out to her. When I came back, I saw Yegor cumming on the floor. Bending over to his spot, I spread his cum on my finger and made him lick it off. - There's still plenty on the floor. How long has it been since you jerked off? Stopping his meal and taking a deep breath, he said. - A week. I assumed you'd fuck me the other day. Taking my cock in his hand, he started jerking it off and got a big load of the white stuff on his face. - Go wash up!, - I said to Egor in a threatening voice. - Yes, Nikolai. In the shower he giggled sweetly and unashamedly took my cock in his mouth, bit my nipples and stroked my thighs. It was a real paradise for the two of us. After we got cleaned up, we got into bed with him and he leaned on my chest. - Will you fuck me again?, - Egor said a little with sadness and despair. - Of course, sunshine. I gently pulled his face away and sucked his cock.