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Переодевание в женское<br>Однажды, [ Mädchen] когда мне было 18, я познакомился с парнем в инете. Он был общительный и мы долго переписывались прежде чем встретиться. Мы встретились вечером в моем районе. Он заехал за мной на красном спортивном Опеле. Мы катались, а потом он позвал меня попариться в сауну. Мы сняли VIP кабинет с двумя парилками, джакузи, довольно большим бассейном в большой студии-холле, где мы присели на кожаные диваны. Егор был веселым парнем, с виду лет 30, лысым, крепким, сложенным брюнетом с легкой щетиной и огромной цепочкой на шее. Я же — напротив высоким, но худеньким парнем с прической а-ля Хэлли Берри и округлой попкой. Легкий пушок на висках — единственная растительность что успела появиться к тому времени. Всегда мечтал попробовать секс с парнем но до этого у меня были только игры с разными предметами) Итак, выпив по бутылке пива, мы отправились в парилку, раздеваясь я немного стеснялся, и Егор помог мне. Снимая с меня штаны он провел рукой по моей ягодице. В парилке Егор положил меня на полку лицом вниз и сделал мне очень приятный расслабляющий массаж, от чего я окончательно успокоился и даже немного тихонько постонал когда он массировал мои ягодицы и между них с маслом. Когда мы вышли из парилки в холл я прыгнул в бассейн а он пошел за стол. Когда я вышел, меня ждал сюрприз. Он дал мне красивый черный купальник в стиле мини-бикини и водостойкие тени для глаз. Я одел купальник и намазал тени и мне очень понравилось то что я увидел. Бикини подчеркивали округлости моей попки, верх приятно облегал, а тени полностью изменили мой вид! Егор позвал меня к себе и рассевшись поудобней в кресле откинул полотенце с паха. Я сел перед ним на коленки и поцеловал ствол его члена. Он был большим для меня. В рот поместилась только головка его вставшего члена. Я начал двигать головой выделяя слюну для смазки. Мне нравился его гладкий член, яички и пах. Я целовал везде. Он достал член из моего рта и постучал мне по щекам. Он с подбородка доставал мне до глаза. Потом он снова погрузил его и начал двигать им в моем рту. Я заметил что он зашел на половину. Потом взял меня на руки, положил на диван на бочок и прилег сзади. Отодвинув край трусиков, Он смазал обильно мою попку и свой член и аккуратно ввел его в меня. Медленно продвигаясь под мое «подожди,  [ Storbarmet] не надо» он достиг половинки и сказал что я должен привыкнуть к этому ощущению. Прошло несколько секунд прежде чем он стал продвигаться еще глубже и замерев начал двигаться. Я потихоньку привыкал и наконец почувствовал то ощущение что меня так возбуждало с игрушками. Он стал двигаться быстрее и вдруг вошел в меня полностью. Мне стала очень больно и я закричал. Егор закрыл мне рот рукой и начал стонать в то время как его крепкий ствол судорожно дергался и я чувствовал теплые удары спермы внутри себя. Он кончал очень долго а в конце начал медленно двигаться заходя очень глубоко и вытаскивая член почти полностью. Он вынул член и встал а я лежал закрыв глаза. Чувство боли и удовольствия боролись в области простаты. Вдруг я почувствовал запах спермы и открыв глаза увидел его все еще крепкий член. Он хотел войти в рот но я закрыл его. Он настаивал и двигал по губам головкой. Он пах приятно и я открыв рот принял его на половину. По просьбе Егора я сжал губы и снял слой спермы с поверхности его члена. Он стал продвигаться глубже, вызвав рвотный рефлекс но остановился и немного погодя продолжил «погружение». Было тяжело но он ввел его почти полностью я еле сдерживался а он немного подвигал им в глубине моего горла. Потом он вынул член, поднял и бросил меня в бассейн и прыгнув ко мне потянул к себе. Его член стоял как кол. Красавчик поднял меня на руки обняв спереди и направив в попку член вошел в хорошо смазанную спермой попку. В воде я был очень легким и стоя он трахал меня минут 10. Он резко вводил его ы выходя поднимал меня выше, опять с размаху заходил полностью и поднимал. Я был поражен его мощью! Вся эта обстановка меня очень возбуждала. Я выглядел как настоящая девушка, слабая и беззащитная,  [ Groß] а крепкий парень уверенно брал меня в ваде бассейна. Мой маленький член терся между нашими телами и был готов кончить. Внезапно Егор остановился, уложил меня грудью на бортик бассейна и вошел сзади. Мой член свободно болтался в воздухе. Он взял меня за стройную талию и грубо вошел до конца, мне опять стало больно. Выйдя он опять с силой загнал его полностью и снова вышел. Егор стал яростно двигаться во мне заходя полностью а его большие яйца стукались об мой крепкий член. Мне было больно не долго, скоро я привык к толчкам и меня начали разрывать ощущения от его мощных движений и его яичек. Я стал кончать... Капли спермы брызгали прямо в воду бассейна. Я так сильно был напряжен что когда кончил почти отключился но через пару секунд Егор перевернул меня и поднявшись над моим лицом стал кончать мне на глаза, щеки, губы. Брызги спермы с силой ударяли в меня а Егор двигал рукой по стволу своего пениса. Он стал вводить его в рот и смазывать туда всю сперму. Я подчинялся, он заслужил это! Он вводил член полностью и я терпел. Взяв меня за голову он двигал своим членом внутри меня входя полностью я захлебывался спермой и слюнями. Достав член он постучал им по моему лицу, а я добравшись до дивана полежал 10 мин растерзанный моим первым любовником в черном купальничке запачканном белыми каплями и с ощущением оттраханой попки. Мои ноги онемели. Спустя полчаса мы привели себя в порядок и он отвез меня домой. Это было классно.
His groaning could be heard in the neighbouring street<br>Good afternoon. My name is Nikolai and I am 32 years old. My wife died in a road accident together with my two children, so I live alone. After my wife died, I had nothing to live on. My wife Christina was the breadwinner in the family. I had to look for a job. At the moment I work as a security guard in a supermarket. The last sex I had was only a year ago, all the rest of the time I was jerking off, and I still do. I can't say that I have a very athletic body, but I can boast cubes and beautiful muscular arms. My wife had a brother. Not a bad kid, his name was Egor. He was always messing around on the computer and programming things. His father abandoned him when he was born, so his mother brought him up. Egor tries to study at home, as he is very shy of people. I'll never understand it, but there's something about him..... His scarlet soft lips, beautiful docile silky hair that can send you to the seventh heaven if you try to smell it once and smell his minty shampoo. Strong hands, soft voice. All of it at first glance couldn't fit in this guy. His great physique and very soft female character, could not get along together, but they tried to do it. While my flat is rented out for a few days, I prefer to live in Egor's mother's house. My working day starts at 3, so I have plenty of time to get ready before work. ---- 14:37 - Don't expect me soon, I'm late. - Okay, Dad. Egor needed a father. He needed a soapy man, a role [ model]. Before he knew it, he started calling me his dad. I even got used to it. When I left the house, I smoked for a while and headed for the wicket. Slowly approaching the window of his room, I became numb. Egor was slowly masturbating to a nude picture of me that he had somehow managed to take in the shower. This kid, was slowly raising and lowering his not insignificant sized buddy. His window was open and he was sitting there with his headphones on, listening to porn. It seemed that his sweet and loud moans could be heard in the next street. My mate started to get up. Slapping myself on the cheek, I tried to forget it and rather went to work. ---- 00:17 There was no way I could calm myself down. I had a mixture of anger and passion. I had long been attracted to his big bump in his swimming trunks, when we bathed together and cuddled on the riverbank, and his appetising white arse. - He needs to be punished. Show him what a man does. With that thought in mind, I walked out of the closing supermarket and headed home on route 21. ---- 00:58 The ride is mostly not too far. The stop is almost next to the house. Slowly opening the wicket gate, I ducked down and started walking towards his window. I was ready for anything. Looking up, I saw this redheaded little boy sitting on a porn site Slowly opening the door and taking off my shoes, I took my belt and slowly started walking towards his room. My mate was ready to rip my white knickers and burst out, showering Egor with sweet-smelling cum. - Well, well, well, well. - Pa! I told you to knock! - Knock? Look at what you're doing! I'm gonna teach you a lesson! - Dad, wait, what did I do? Dad, don't! Taking him by the scruff of the neck, I gently began to carry him into the room. - "Stay here," I said as I closed the door to our nest. I switched on the light and, taking off my tank top, sat on the bed in front of him. - How do you explain this? - Pa, I just got excited. - He got aroused? You got turned on by my pictures, too? The boy blushed. I think he was beginning to suspect that I'd been watching him jerk off for a long time and it wasn't because I was really angry, but because we both wanted to fuck each other. - Take your clothes off. - 'Pa, don't,' Egor said in a whisper, starting to cry a little. - The man said,  [ Hardcore] the man did. I ripped off my T-shirt and slapped his arse. - Now the shorts. - Pa, please, I won't do it again. - Shut up. The little boy, trembling, took off his red shorts. My gaze fell on his cock bump. It was very protruding and jerking a little. I sharply pulled down his shorts and began to unzip his fly. - Pa," said my son, already shouting. I ignored him and gently bent him over. The boy stopped resisting. My cock fell out of my pants hard, smelling strongly of semen. - Go ahead. - Okay, father. He slowly opened his little mouth and with difficulty put my cock in it. We moaned together with Egor. After his gentle and wonderful blowjob, he lay down on my lap. He started to take the initiative himself, and I only supported it. - Spank me like a [ bitch].<br>I honestly didn't expect to hear him say that, but I started to do it. Starting with his hand and ending with my thick army belt, which left a few pale purple marks on his scarlet arse, I lifted him up and put him on my stake. All this bliss went on for a few minutes as suddenly, a neighbour knocked on our door. I put on my trousers and ran out to her. When I came back, I saw Yegor cumming on the floor. Bending over to his spot, I spread his cum on my finger and made him lick it off. - There's still plenty on the floor. How long has it been since you jerked off? Stopping his meal and taking a deep breath, he said. - A week. I assumed you'd fuck me the other day. Taking my cock in his hand, he started jerking it off and got a big load of the white stuff on his face. - Go wash up!, - I said to Egor in a threatening voice. - Yes, Nikolai. In the shower he giggled sweetly and unashamedly took my cock in his mouth, bit my nipples and stroked my thighs. It was a real paradise for the two of us. After we got cleaned up, we got into bed with him and he leaned on my chest. - Will you fuck me again?, - Egor said a little with sadness and despair. - Of course, sunshine. I gently pulled his face away and sucked his cock.

Version vom 11. September 2024, 03:21 Uhr

His groaning could be heard in the neighbouring street
Good afternoon. My name is Nikolai and I am 32 years old. My wife died in a road accident together with my two children, so I live alone. After my wife died, I had nothing to live on. My wife Christina was the breadwinner in the family. I had to look for a job. At the moment I work as a security guard in a supermarket. The last sex I had was only a year ago, all the rest of the time I was jerking off, and I still do. I can't say that I have a very athletic body, but I can boast cubes and beautiful muscular arms. My wife had a brother. Not a bad kid, his name was Egor. He was always messing around on the computer and programming things. His father abandoned him when he was born, so his mother brought him up. Egor tries to study at home, as he is very shy of people. I'll never understand it, but there's something about him..... His scarlet soft lips, beautiful docile silky hair that can send you to the seventh heaven if you try to smell it once and smell his minty shampoo. Strong hands, soft voice. All of it at first glance couldn't fit in this guy. His great physique and very soft female character, could not get along together, but they tried to do it. While my flat is rented out for a few days, I prefer to live in Egor's mother's house. My working day starts at 3, so I have plenty of time to get ready before work. ---- 14:37 - Don't expect me soon, I'm late. - Okay, Dad. Egor needed a father. He needed a soapy man, a role model. Before he knew it, he started calling me his dad. I even got used to it. When I left the house, I smoked for a while and headed for the wicket. Slowly approaching the window of his room, I became numb. Egor was slowly masturbating to a nude picture of me that he had somehow managed to take in the shower. This kid, was slowly raising and lowering his not insignificant sized buddy. His window was open and he was sitting there with his headphones on, listening to porn. It seemed that his sweet and loud moans could be heard in the next street. My mate started to get up. Slapping myself on the cheek, I tried to forget it and rather went to work. ---- 00:17 There was no way I could calm myself down. I had a mixture of anger and passion. I had long been attracted to his big bump in his swimming trunks, when we bathed together and cuddled on the riverbank, and his appetising white arse. - He needs to be punished. Show him what a man does. With that thought in mind, I walked out of the closing supermarket and headed home on route 21. ---- 00:58 The ride is mostly not too far. The stop is almost next to the house. Slowly opening the wicket gate, I ducked down and started walking towards his window. I was ready for anything. Looking up, I saw this redheaded little boy sitting on a porn site Slowly opening the door and taking off my shoes, I took my belt and slowly started walking towards his room. My mate was ready to rip my white knickers and burst out, showering Egor with sweet-smelling cum. - Well, well, well, well. - Pa! I told you to knock! - Knock? Look at what you're doing! I'm gonna teach you a lesson! - Dad, wait, what did I do? Dad, don't! Taking him by the scruff of the neck, I gently began to carry him into the room. - "Stay here," I said as I closed the door to our nest. I switched on the light and, taking off my tank top, sat on the bed in front of him. - How do you explain this? - Pa, I just got excited. - He got aroused? You got turned on by my pictures, too? The boy blushed. I think he was beginning to suspect that I'd been watching him jerk off for a long time and it wasn't because I was really angry, but because we both wanted to fuck each other. - Take your clothes off. - 'Pa, don't,' Egor said in a whisper, starting to cry a little. - The man said, Hardcore the man did. I ripped off my T-shirt and slapped his arse. - Now the shorts. - Pa, please, I won't do it again. - Shut up. The little boy, trembling, took off his red shorts. My gaze fell on his cock bump. It was very protruding and jerking a little. I sharply pulled down his shorts and began to unzip his fly. - Pa," said my son, already shouting. I ignored him and gently bent him over. The boy stopped resisting. My cock fell out of my pants hard, smelling strongly of semen. - Go ahead. - Okay, father. He slowly opened his little mouth and with difficulty put my cock in it. We moaned together with Egor. After his gentle and wonderful blowjob, he lay down on my lap. He started to take the initiative himself, and I only supported it. - Spank me like a bitch.
I honestly didn't expect to hear him say that, but I started to do it. Starting with his hand and ending with my thick army belt, which left a few pale purple marks on his scarlet arse, I lifted him up and put him on my stake. All this bliss went on for a few minutes as suddenly, a neighbour knocked on our door. I put on my trousers and ran out to her. When I came back, I saw Yegor cumming on the floor. Bending over to his spot, I spread his cum on my finger and made him lick it off. - There's still plenty on the floor. How long has it been since you jerked off? Stopping his meal and taking a deep breath, he said. - A week. I assumed you'd fuck me the other day. Taking my cock in his hand, he started jerking it off and got a big load of the white stuff on his face. - Go wash up!, - I said to Egor in a threatening voice. - Yes, Nikolai. In the shower he giggled sweetly and unashamedly took my cock in his mouth, bit my nipples and stroked my thighs. It was a real paradise for the two of us. After we got cleaned up, we got into bed with him and he leaned on my chest. - Will you fuck me again?, - Egor said a little with sadness and despair. - Of course, sunshine. I gently pulled his face away and sucked his cock.