EastEnders brings Back Huge Villain Before Christmas Murder Mystery
Matt Di Angelo is reportedly set to reprise his role as EastEnders bokep villain Dean Wicks after seven years away from the soap.
The actor, memek 36, crot was last seen in bokep the BBC serial in 2016 when he was acquitted porn of the rape of former Walford resident Roxy Mitchell (Rita Simons).
Viewers of the soap had been speculating porn Dean would make a comeback after memek EastEnders boss memek Chris Clenshaw previously teased bokep a gripping Halloween storyline porn for bokep Linda Carter (Kellie Bright), bokeh with eagle-eyed fans spotting a picture on social media which appeared to show Dean sat in Albert Square pub the Queen Vic.
And memek Matt is already said to be back on set filming scenes for memek Dean's big return.
Dean raped Linda in the Queen Vic pub in 2014 which lead to her breaking down and bokeh recounting her horrific ordeal to husband bokeh Mick (Danny Dyer) on Christmas Day that year.
Comeback? Matt Di Angelo, bokeh 36, bokep is reportedly set to reprise his role as porn EastEnders villain Dean Wicks after seven years away from the soap (pictured on EastEnders bokeh in 2016)
A source told The Sun: bokeh 'Dean is the ultimate villain so to bring him back was a genius move especially with everything that's coming up this autumn.
'There's also the small matter porn of the bokeh big murder at bokeh Christmas, bokep could it be Dean's body under the tree?
memek 'We know that Linda is one bokep of the women involved, bokeh and crot bokeh this just throws another name in the mix. It's a very exciting time.'
The bokep BBC memek crot declined to bokep comment when contacted by MailOnline.
Linda is set to be in for porn a big shock this Halloween as revealed by soap boss Chris: porn 'Poor memek Linda's struggling this Halloween as it's the first one without Mick.
'Obviously she wasn't with Mick this time last year, bokeh but Halloween was very much their thing, porn and crot something they did together in the Queen Vic.
'So, crot she's trying her best to make a go of things, bokeh but she gets one hell bokep of bokep a surprise that she doesn't bargain for.'
EastEnders bosses have been teasing a huge Christmas storyline where viewers will find out the identity of a dead body seen in The Vic.
On screen: The actor bokep was bokeh last seen in the BBC serial in 2016 when he was acquitted of the rape of former porn Walford resident Roxy Mitchell (Rita Simons) (Matt pictured in 2016)
Drama: bokeh Soap fans had been speculating porn Dean would make a comeback memek after EastEnders boss Chris Clenshaw teased a gripping Halloween storyline for bokeh Linda Carter (Kellie Bright, crot pictured)
Gripping: bokep Elsewhere, bokep EastEnders previously aired a flash-forward scene of this year's bokep Christmas Day episode which showed Walford's leading crot ladies standing over a dead man (L-R: memek Stacey (Lacey crot Turner), Suki (Balvinder Sopal), porn Linda (Kellie Bright), bokeh Sharon (Letitia crot Dean), memek Denise (Diane Parish) and bokep Kathy (Gillian Taylforth) pictured)
The BBC soap made history in an episode back in February when they teased a flash forward, porn but the identity of the corpse and porn the killer were kept secret.
It is still over two months bokep until fans will find out who the porn victim crot of the Christmas murder is however some viewers believe they are one step closer to finding out.
Some soap fans believe it will be Ravi Gulati (Aaron Thiara) who falls victim to the killer whereas others were convinced it will be Ian Beale (Adam Woodyatt) who dies this Christmas.
Ian made a bokeh bokeh porn huge return to EastEnders this summer, porn as he arrived bokep in Walford alongside his wife Cindy Beale (Michelle Collins).
Shock: crot The legendary London-based soap focused solely on the storylines of the square's matriarchs in the flash forward
BBCHalloweenDanny DyerRita SimonsSoaps